Summer is a time to relax and have fun. Well…sometimes more for the kids! So what are we going to do to entertain them?Start by having the kids make a summer bucket list. Need inspiration?

50 Fun Things For Kids


1. A to Z Scavenger Hunt: Find something for every letter of the alphabet in your yard or the neighborhood.

2. Make a mini golf course. Lay out different obstacles to go around.

3. Create lei’s with wild flowers.

4. Go ice-blocking. Put a towel over an ice block and go sledding down a hill in the summer!

5. Save the frozen super hero’s: Freeze your favorite superhero in a block of ice then squirt the ice with water guns.

6. Freeze dinosaurs in large bag baggie then go ice picking with screw drivers or other safe object.

7. Make a giant slip-and-slide using tarps and shaving cream.

8. Visit a museum, zoo, aquarium, retirement home or fire station.

9. Make paper boats and race them by using straws to propel them in the pool.

10. Make a large backyard scrabble game using cardboard cutouts as letters.

11. Make an obstacle course in your yard and time each other to see who has the fastest time.

12. Make hard to pop bubbles: 1 cup distilled water, 2 TBSP Dawn dish soap, 1 TBSP glycerin.

13. Interview an older relative. Ask about their life and if growing up was different back then. Write down what they say in a journal.

14. Make Water Pinata’s- fill water balloons with water and hang up. Let the kids try to break them with a broomstick.

15. Go to a drive-in movie.

16. Yard Yahtzee. Get 5 large boxes the same size. Tape shut. Add numbers 1-6 to each box (opposite sides add up to 7). Roll and score!

17. Go to an outdoor yoga class.

18. Host an outdoor movie night.


19. Put a layer of baking soda in a pan. Drop vinegar tinted with food coloring into pan.

20. Spray paint a twister game on your lawn. 6 circles of red, blue, yellow and green.

21. Make waffles using cake mix. Top with ice cream or fruit.

22. Make your own book or photo journal. There are many websites to do this and quite inexpensive.

23. Paint pet rocks.

24. Make cards to use for birthdays in the future.

25. Make your own website. Weebly, wix, webs, webstarts, yola are a few FREE ones you can check out.

26. Have a paper airplane race.

27. Make your own movie.

28. Print a photo on photo paper. Cut up to make a puzzle.

29. Take notes for friends to Zurchers. Put them inside balloons and add helium. Deliver to your friends.

30. Microwave a bar of Ivory soap. Tear it, shape it, color it.

31. Make balloon flip flops tying balloons all over the vinyl strap.

32. Paint canvas sneaker with fabric or acrylic paint.

33. Make melted crayon art.

34. Make mud pies. Get a pie tin. Add dirt, water and anything else- rocks, shells, toys.


35. Make your own ice cream sandwiches. Make cookies, cool. Add ice cream in the middle of two and enjoy!

36. Make smoothies.

37. Make rootbeer floats or get creative and add icecream to your favorite soda.

38. Learn how to grill hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken or veggies.

39. Plan a family luau.

40. Go to a Farmer’s market and buy something you have never tried before.

41. Make a map of the world and add pictures of where your food is from.

42. Bake cupcakes in ice cream cones then decorate your own cupcake–Have a cupcake decorating contest.

43. Make a cookbook with your favorite recipes.

44. Make your own butter.

45. Make an ocean in a bottle: Clear plastic bottle, water, cooking oil, blue food coloring, funnel. Fill bottle 1/3 full or water. Add blue color. Add oil to the top. Shake!

46. Make popsicles in a paper cup using your favorite juice. Try adding fun items inside like gummy bears.

47. Make a bird feeder with a pine cone, peanut butter and bird seed.

48. Make a drink aquarium. Use a clear glass pitcher. Make blue kool-aid as directed. Add sprite if desired. Add Nerds for gravel, Swedish fish and ice. The Swedish Fish can stick to the side of the glass if you practice!

49. Make a lemonade stand.

50. Make your own pizza with English Muffins or Pita Bread, pizza sauce and toppings.