15 Years Ago My Husband Unexpectedly Passed Away. This Completely Turned Me And My Six Young Children’s Lives Upside Down. From The First Hour, I Was Completely Lost. I Had To Figure Out How To Pull It All Together, Making A Ton Of Mistakes Along The Way.
9 Months After My Husband Passed Away I Hit Rock Bottom. I Finally Knelt Down And Begged My Heavenly Father To Please Help Me. I Heard 4 Words That Completely Changed My Life- STAND UP AND LIVE. I Felt The Meaning Was I Need To Stand Up, Put That Big Fat Smile On My Face And Move Forward With Joy.
Healing After A Loss Is A Journey. Some Days It Feels Like You Are Alone, But I Am Here To Assure You That You Are Not. Today, I Teach Seminars, Have My Story Written In Books, And Personally Help Those Who Are Ready To Move Forward. I Have Learned So Many Incredible Life Lessons And Know The Tools That Empower Me Can Also Help You Have Fulfillment In Life - No Matter What Has Happened In The Past.
Today I am happier Than I have Ever Been
My miracle happened when my children introduced me to their friend’s dad, Matt, who also lost his wife in 2008. Our families loved the time we shared together. We all became best friends and hung out a lot. Matt and I got closer and our friendship turned to love. We were married in 2009 and have 9 children together, so I also blog about blending.
Matt and I have 9 children all together. With this large blended family brings more experiences, challenges, and mouth dropping moments! Each day we look at each other, laugh and say, “Wow, I didn’t see that one coming!” We were thinking just the other day that we haven’t had a normal date in 10 years. Well, I guess none of this has been NORMAL -whatever that is. I stopped blogging after about a year so I could try to put all the pieces of my heart together. I’ve had a lot to sort through, so Matt has been my awesome, hourly, life coach.
Now that I am healing, I have come back to personal blogging and writing openly about my past, my now and the future I want to create. Some people say I have lived a hard life, but I say it’s an incredible life- full of experience and I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. Others have asked me why I am writing it now and the answer is I feel compelled to do so. I agree- it would be easier to just march forward, but in the past are the lessons that I don’t ever want to forget. My hope is that my thoughts will give confidence to others knowing their trials can have a positive outcome, even though it may not feel like it at the time. Most importantly- You are NOT alone.