I HAVE BEEN ASKED, “What are some good gift ideas for a child who has lost a loved one?” I have a bunch of meaningful gifts for you to consider… . BOOK: THE MEMORY BOX . FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS BLANKET . BOOK: HEAVEN IS FOR REAL . REMEMBRANCE PLUSH STUFFED ANIMAL . REMEMBRANCE BRACELET […]
I HAVE CATEGORIZED LIFE INTO 10 KEY AREAS: Health & Fitness Personal Growth Spiritual Fun Friends Romance Family Give Finance Career It’s difficult to balance all of them (probably impossible!) What I have decided is if I am aware of the categories and where I want to put my time and effort, it makes it […]
Having your spouse die is an extremely emotional experience. I didn’t realize how many things it would make me re-think! It made me question my very identity. I had a complete loss of self. I wasn’t expecting this at all. Most things that I was a […]
The More You Praise And Celebrate Your Life The More There Is In Life To Celebrate ~ Oprah