
Archive for the

I was listening to Tony Robbins and he says, “Where focus goes, energy flows”. It’s true if I really think about it. So how do I change my energy so it goes where I want it? Some days I get stuck in the mundane and have a “just get through today” attitude. SO how do […]

December 1, 2023



There Are 8 Key Areas In Our Life Balance Wheel Relationships Health & Fitness Personal Growth Spirituality Home Environment Fun Career Finance   Evaluate your current state in each area. Note where you feel fulfilled, and identify areas for improvement. Focus your efforts on those areas for growth, remembering that balance isn’t always the goal. […]

October 1, 2023



My mom talked to everyone, everywhere. Now I see this as a gift, but I’m sure I looked at my mom like she was crazy when this happened- in line at the grocery store or at a restaurant. Yes- everywhere. She taught me that everyone is special. I really appreciate this now- when someone wasn’t […]

November 27, 2021



Having big dreams, high standards and striving for excellence can be a good thing- right? But where do we stop,what price are we willing to pay for success? Or the look of success? It’s taken me years of lessons, breakdowns, and breakthroughs and now I know that “Perfect is the enemy of good.” ~Voltaire In […]

Opening my heart lately to see the good and bad while quarantined. I have trained myself to look for the good. (thanks, Mom!) But there are some devastating effects as well. I have noticed the hard stuff the longer this quarantine goes on. I see the good, bad and ugly (really bad!) right now. FAMILY– […]

April 16, 2020



Living in the now can help you create more of what you want in life. Use this worksheet to kickstart your journey into the present. What makes you rush in the mornings? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What could you do differently to create a calmer morning routine? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What is one […]

April 6, 2020



What you put in your brain is so important. Your self-talk is more important than what anyone else in the world can say to you. (Because YOU are with you the most!) So I want you to think of someone in your life who has always been your biggest cheerleader. If you don’t have someone […]

March 23, 2020



Years ago I would dread January. In the fall I knew what was coming- a dark, icy cold month and I’m always scared to drive! I would worry about it for months- how was I going to get through this winter? Going back to what my mom taught me I knew I had to find […]

January 1, 2020


goals, january


  I have been studying the brain. It’s so amazing and scientists are proving more things every day! What is the subconscious mind? It’s something we have heard a lot about lately. In order to gain some degree of control over your subconscious mind you first need to understand how it operates. One of the […]

August 20, 2018



For my birthday this year I made a few new goals. One is a physical goal- work out at least 30 minutes per day. Another is to lift someone each day (haha -not physically but emotionally). I have found the best kept secret to be happy today is to make someone else smile. I promise […]

May 6, 2018



Life is a balancing act, isn’t it? How do you balance everything- families, hobbies, health, spirituality, work? Yoga taught me balance. I learned it changes every day. Most days are not balanced for me- I have to look at my life from a bird’s eye point of view to see if there is some kind […]

March 26, 2018



Happy New Year! Try something you’ve never done before- something fun, new and exciting! When my husband passed away I decided this life is to LIVE. Seeing death so up close and personal made me look at life from a completely different perspective. Seriously, we never know how much longer we will be here, so […]

January 1, 2018



Another thing my mom said to me All. The. Time! When I was little… Scatter sunshine everywhere you go. What a difference the world would be if everyone thought this, then did it. What a happy place it would be. What are some good ways to scatter sunshine? smile when driving let people in your […]

December 25, 2017



Growing up my mom taught me to look for the good and be grateful. This is one thing I’m so thankful for! In the past year or so I have been listening to self-help books and realizing how being grateful can change your life in a big way. There is a deep psychology behind this. […]

December 18, 2017
