Rolling of my eyes is what I used to give to my mom when she would give me advice when I was sad. But now I believe it’s the best advice I’ve ever received. I learned to live it. Probably not because I wanted to, but she would be alongside me while I did it. She trained me to think this way.
So what’s my mom’s advice?
Do this when you are feeling down–Do something for someone else… Serve.
I have used this advice over and over throughout my life and I really do think it’s the best thing for me when I’m feeling down. It takes me out of my world and lets me see others. I realize over and over again that many people have hard things to deal with and there is a way that I can help lift others. Serve.
Some life experiences have taught me this again and again:
Age 10: My friends are rude to me. Advice is given, so my mom and I would make cookies (that alone would make me happy) Then we would place them on a paper plate and deliver them to elderly people in our neighborhood. Who wouldn’t want fresh chocolate chip cookies? Seeing the smile on their face made my day!
Age 20: Christmas is overwhelming. Advice is given, so I learned to sew blankets and give them to the Primary Children’s Hospital. My kids would help. We used to be able to see who they were given to, but now we drop them off on Christmas Eve and then continue on to Temple Square to learn about Jesus and what He would do throughout his life- serve.
Age 30: My life was so full of my family only. Advice is given, so I would call my friend who was going through a divorce and talk to her almost every day. We became best friends. When I feel like I’m serving, somehow I get the better end of the deal!
Age 40: My life is turned upside down by the death of my husband. This was a time in my life when I was served every day by somebody. It went on for a year or more. I will never be able to repay the service that was given me and my kids. So for the rest of my life, I AM ON PAYBACK! I am going to be on the lookout for the rest of my life how I can serve others. My husband Matt and I created Bags of Love and each Christmas give 100’s of small brown paper bags with toys and fun things to do for kids. This barely scratches the surface on what I feel I want to do to give back to my community who helped me when I was in need.
I’m grateful for a mom who taught me when I’m not feeling very happy, the thing that will help me the most is to get up and do something for someone else.
Cookies anyone?
Mary Jo’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
1 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
— mix —
1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
— mix —
2 1/4 cups flour
chocolate chips
BAKE 375 degrees for 5-7 minutes