Get Started Checklist For Business Branding
Branding is all about creating instant recognition in the minds of your target audience. There are a number of steps to building and growing a successful brand. As an entrepreneur, sometimes doing this as a solo entrepreneur, there will be a lot to do. Use this checklist so you don’t leave out anything.
The Importance of Branding
- I understand how important branding is to give me the chance to position myself in the marketplace
Defining the Brand
- I have defined my mission, the reason I have gone into business
- I have defined my unique selling point, what makes me different from the competition
- I have defined my unique value proposition, and why my target audience should be happy to do business with me
- I know what the people in my niche really want and need
- I have done market research and know who my main competitors are
- I know why their brands stand out
- I have created at least one product or service that meets the needs of my niche audience
Choosing the Brand
- I have considered the pros and cons of branding myself
- I have considered the pros and cons of my business
- I have decided to brand myself
The brand I wish to create will convey:
- My personal values
- My personality
- My expertise
I have decided to brand my business. The brand I wish to create will convey:
- My business values
- My differences from my competitors
- That customers come first
Building the Brand
I have considered the following aspects of building my brand
- The name of the business
- The URL of the business
- The slogan of the business
- The personality of the company
- The logo for the business:
- Color scheme of logo and brand
- Font used in the logo
- The image or design used
- The emotions conveyed:
- Green-health
- Red-power
Presenting the Brand
I will get or already have a high-quality logo that can be used on all my marketing material, from stationery to social media. Check out forquick and pretty inexpensive logo design and so much more.
I have set up my logo to use on:
- Business cards
- Letterhead
- Business invoices
- Business forms like receipts, packing slips and so on
- Envelopes
- Printing labels
- Website
- Blog
- Social media accounts
Buy these items as I can afford them:
- Promotional items-pens, pencils, fridge pads
- Apparel-shirts, caps
- Mugs
- Water bottles
- Travel mugs
- A quality tote bag
Increasing the reach of the brand
I will increase the reach of the brand consistently using the following:
- My website
- TikTok
- Snapchat
- Tumblr
- YouTube
- Blog
- Share buttons at the blog to connect to the social networks
- An email to a friend feature
- Video sharing sites
- PowerPoint presentations
- Podcasting
- Guest blog posts
- Press releases
- Discussion boards
- Forums
- Interviews
- Email marketing
I will build an email-marketing list by offering:
- A free special report
- A free e-course
- Another free item my niche audience will be eager to receive __________
I will create an autoresponder series of messages that will help reinforce my brand
I will create regular emails to keep in contact with my list and develop a relationship with them
I will create videos regularly to update my YouTube channel
I will embed my YouTube videos at my site/blog
I will create PowerPoint presentations about my products and services:
- I will upload them to
- I will promote my presentations by sharing them via my Linked in account
I will set aside a portion of my profits for paid add opportunities using:
- Facebook ads
- Promote the account
- Boost individual posts
- Twitter ads
- Promote the account
- Boost individual tweets
- Google AdWords
- LinkedIn Lead generation
I will put customer service first
I will reply to all emails promptly
I will engage with my target audience on social networks in a helpful way
I will engage in brand-building activities every day
I will consider the impact on my brand of any new product, service, or initiative I am considering
I will not sabotage my brand through thoughtless actions or inappropriate behavior online
I will be the best ambassador for my brand
I will write an elevator speech in 30 seconds or less to tell people about my brand
I will look for chances to widen my audience for my brand:
- Trade shows
- Conferences
- Interviews
- Press releases
I am branding myself. I can create an air of expertise by:
- Offering courses at:
- The local Chamber of Commerce
- Learning Annexe
- Community College
- Becoming a speaker at a speaker’s bureau
- Writing and publishing a book at Amazon
- Engaging with other thought leaders in my niche or industry
- Interacting with my niche audience in groups, discussion boards, social sites, and so on