Happy Father’s Day to the man who is everything to me. My Matt. He has put everything he has physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and mentally into our family. BUT being a stepfather can be a thankless job. This blending is really hard and we have found that no matter how hard we try, someone is probably going to be upset.
I have to look at myself and think, did I teach my kids loyalty to family? To look for the good in all situations? To be grateful? I think I taught it, but mostly I hope that I lived it.
When I see tricky situations that happen, I see myself backing out emotionally so experiences don’t hurt so much. I have done that before in my life and it didn’t help to go numb. But sometimes I am not sure where else to go. This life is all about learning and mostly learning about myself! I’m grateful to have found someone amazing to help me co-parent!
Happy Father’s Day to all of the men out there! You are SO appreciated.