Happy new year try something youve never done beforeHappy New Year! Try something you’ve never done before- something fun, new and exciting!

When my husband passed away I decided this life is to LIVE. Seeing death so up close and personal made me look at life from a completely different perspective. Seriously, we never know how much longer we will be here, so let’s make every day count. I used to live very cautiously, watching every move I made. Forget that! I want to have fun! I have tried a bunch of new stuff over the past decade that I would have never thought I would do.

This is what I do- every year I look for something I have never done before. Something that expands me, maybe something that scares me! This makes me be very vulnerable, but I’ve learned that’s a good thing- I just make sure it’s in a safe environment and go for it.

Last year I chose road biking. I know it sounds so funny, but I was really scared to buy a bike and get on the road! After I got sick in the year 2000 my balance has not been good, so this was really challenging. My husband bought a bike, too and he patiently biked with me a few times a week. It took most of the summer to get comfortable with it, but I did it!

Other things I have tried over the years are…

Go hiking! Matt and I bought hiking shoes and trekking poles. We started from our home and walked east into the mountains by our home. Wow, I never knew I would like it so much. I love to be in wide-open spaces. It worked my legs and arms and it did my heart and mind a lot of good.

I took a painting class. Always wanted to try this (like for 25 years!) but I didn’t know if I’d be really bad or maybe I’d be really good and not know how to make time for it? I guess the unknown was the weird part. For some reason art makes people very self-conscious – I think it stems from elementary school classes where someone else did a better job or was more creative. I was happy that I did it and found out it’s not really a passion of mine and that’s ok!

painting with a twist

I took swimming lessons for 10 weeks. I haven’t been swimming much since I was little so it was really hard. But fulfilling to do something I wasn’t used to.

I joined a gym and took classes I never thought I would dare try. I found myself by digging deep inside. This is when I really started to grow! I found a love for spinning, pilates, and yoga.

My dad taught me how to texture the walls in my home. Now after doing my entire home I’m tired, but feel like a pro!

I bought Audible and have listened to over 100 books. I can’t tell you how awesome this is!

I learned how to create my own website. It took me a long time and I’m still learning, but it’s how I get the word out that we are NOT alone.

I taught lessons for my church and school groups. Public speaking is the number one fear that people have, so why not try to get better at it and FACE THAT FEAR?

I did all the landscaping at my rental home to get it ready to sell. I realized this also is not a passion of mine. It was really nice to be outside and to learn new things – making a path, planting, putting down weed barriers, etc. But I’m not sure I’d choose to do that again!

What should I do this year?! What are you going to do this year?