Dynamically transform prospective information and plug-and-play e-markets. Efficiently fabricate prospective paradigms without sustainable e-commerce. Synergistically architect intermandated internal or “organic” sources
Globally provide access to state of the art processes rather than exceptional value. Completely evisculate high-payoff e-business with.
Lucas May
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Jonh Dot
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi
Jakline Bol
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.
Lucas Carle
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.
Mariana Doe
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.
Jonh Snow
Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.
Globally coordinate distinctive strategic theme areas
Sept 27, 2008 This week started out so great. At church we had the Primary Program in Sacrament Meeting. I was worried it was going to be hard for me. It was the funniest meeting I have ever been to in my whole life. There were a few kids up there that were so funny!
October 4, 2008 This week has been much better. I feel like we have a new normal and it doesn’t hurt so much. The pictures of Jay are a sweet memory now. On Sunday our family went on a hike up Bells Canyon. It was beautiful and we thought how much Jay would have loved
October 8, 2008 I think people are trying to be nice. Everyone says, “You are so strong.” No. Not really. They don’t see the minute-by-minute stuff that’s really going on here. So what do they mean by STRONG? I’m pretty sure it’s not my 95-pound body. I wonder if they would say I’m strong if
Here it comes- deep feelings of being so, so sad. Depression after a loss- now is the point where we know we can’t fix this problem easily. We really can’t bring our loved ones back. This is our new normal whether we like it or not. Usually NOT. This low space turns into depression. It
Oct 11, 2008 . Each week is getting better! But I am still not getting any sleep. I don’t know why – I just can’t. Who needs sleep!! My parents are gone for 2 weeks and Jay’s are gone this week, so I had to count on others like Jay’s brother, Donny. He came over
Oct 18, 2008 . Wow, another week has passed and it IS getting better every week. Others have told me this would happen and I am so grateful. I am grateful for a lot of things! I have the best kids in the world! They are so good to me. Jay taught them respect for
Oct 20, 2008 Riley emails us every Monday, so I love Mondays even more now. I have always loved Monday because it was garbage day. I know – I’m crazy! (Clutter and I don’t mix very well!) Well, today Riley wrote to me and I totally forgot to write him a couple of weeks ago.
OCT 25, 2008 We had our ups and downs this week. But I’m not on the rollercoaster anymore – remember I jumped off! Everyone is back in school now which is good for all of us!! Except it was hard to get everyone up after the UEA vacation. Jeremy tried to fake sick on Tuesday,
Nov 1, 2008 I made it through October! One big holiday down! I told my brother I was hanging in there with a big fat smile, whether I liked it or not. This is what I tell my kids to do, too. This was a fun week. On Sunday I met with a member of
November 8, 2008 I didn’t realize election day would be hard. Things come up each week that make me realize Jay really is gone and in ways that are totally unexpected! He loved election day and would watch the news all day long. He would always drag me to vote – so this year I
Nov 15, 2008 When I got home from work on Monday, I got a surprise in the mail that threw me off for a whole day. Tooele Sheriff’s Department sent me a box of Jay’s things they had held for evidence from the search. His shoes, sunglasses and a CD. That was all they found
November 22, 2008 I am grateful for my extended family. They are always there for me and were a lot this week! We had extended FHE on Sunday and Jay’s parents gave each one of us a challenge to give a Book of Mormon away before Christmas. That will be fun to watch my kids
Nov 30, 2008 Sunday was great with church and then going to my sister’s home for dinner. We look forward to being with them every chance we get! Monday was nice to have FHE at our Bishops -we love the Roberson family! I worked Mon, Tues, and Wed and was busy every second of every
December 7, 2008 Sunday was as hard as the rest of last week! In the morning I missed Jay and couldn’t find a place in my house to be alone so I went to the cemetery. I just sat there and cried and cried. I can do hard things but I don’t want to do
December 13, 2008 Sunday morning was the best because my Dad and Mom had my kids sleep over the night before so I got to sleep in!! The Christmas songs are hard to hear and in Relief Society, I had a hard time. Thanks, Tiff and Ali for always being there for me 🙂 Jeremy
December 17, 2008 I couldn’t wait until Saturday to show you the pictures of my new nieces! December 16th at 4:01pm Donny and Summer had Jayne. She was 7 lbs 9 oz and 21″ long. She is super darling!! December 17th at 6:20am Jeff and Karol had Allison. She was 7 lbs 15 oz and
December 21, 2008 On Sunday I felt Jay was with us when Sacrament Meeting started and I wondered why. Then the bishop had Jeremy stand for us to sustain him as a Teacher and I knew why Jay was there. Jeremy asked Donny to ordain him, so it was nice to have Donny, Don and
Dec 27, 2008 . Christmas Card ’08 Christmas was so fun!! Our family spent Christmas Eve with the Adamsons. We had a wonderful dinner and then a program. This picture is when we read from the bible of Christ’s birth and the children acted it out for us. We had 2 Mary’s this year so
Oh I love this song, “I see the light” from the Disney show Tangled. It’s the song that told me I’m where I’m meant to be. Now that I found Matt my world has shifted!All at once everything looks different, now that I see you! LYRICS from Tangled I See the Light Mandy Moore, Zachary
July 30, 2009 I had no idea what to do as a widow. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster ride and wanted to get off and whoever was running the show wouldn’t stop to let me. Luckily I had so much support. My friends and family had no idea what I was going
I have been on this amazing journey the past few years. I have been trying to figure out my life so far and what I have learned from it and what I can share with others. A while agoI saw a link, “Signs of an abusive relationship.” So I clicked on it. Wow, interesting. Oh
My miracle happened. I was sitting alone one night and thought, “I have to let myself go there- go deep inside to find the root of my hurt.” I felt safe enough to ask myself and God. Why did Jay passing away still hurt so badly? I thought of reason after reason, going a little
Why do I say STAND UP & LIVE? 2009 was a new year for me. 2008 was the hardest year of my life. That year I became a widow with 6 kids and was completely overwhelmed. It felt like I was on a roller coaster ride and just wanted to get off! My mom taught
The year following my husbands death was one I will never forget. It was filled with sadness and grieving, but something else really stands out in my mind. The kindness was unbelievable. People gave and gave and gave and never asked for anything back. I will never be able to pay back the good deeds
The past few years I have taken the opportunity to step back and try to understand life. I feel like I was given a break to stop, back up and look around. I questioned, “Why do people do the things they do? Why do I do the things I do?” I had to understand what
Have you seen that show with Jim Carrey called YES MAN? I loved it – it came out at a time when I needed a change in my life and started putting in my head, “I’m a YES MAN, I’m a YES MAN.” I probably took it to the extreme! Matt and I were dating
I turned on my old ipod this morning and out popped this song from years ago- Yesterday, by Leona Lewis. I listened to it a lot in 2008, when Jay, my husband, first passed away. It was a song I listened to over and over and cried. That kind of sounds like a dumb thing
Have you ever thought, “If I only knew then what I know now!” I know it’s impossible, but just suppose I could go back and whisper, no! YELL, something in my ear to help me get through life a little smoother. What would I say? I also asked my friends and family what advice they
After we found out Jay’s body had been found my friend, Mike, who was a mortician came over to see me. We started preparing for a funeral and who helped me go through everything I needed to do. This was so unbelievable. I was a widow with 6 kids. It felt like a nightmare but
I have been studying suicide and I found a lot of information from the American Foundation for Suicide Preventionvery helpful: What is the best language to use when talking about suicide? The words we choose can sometimes sound harsh or judgmental, even when we don’t mean them to. It is best to follow the lead
People who take their own lives usually exhibit one or more warning signs, either through what they say or what they do. The more warning signs, the greater the risk. Talk If a person talks about: Killing themselves. Having no reason to live. Being a burden to others. Feeling trapped. Unbearable pain. Behavior A person’s
When I was just barely married at age 19, my husband and I visited his 98-year-old great-grandma. We knew she was getting close to passing away and I thought, what could I ask her that would help me? So I asked, “If you could give me just one piece of advice, what would it be?”
For a few years after my husband’s death I felt like I was sitting on the sidelines watching life pass me by. Grief does interesting things to you and I knew I had to be really patient with myself. It was ok to nurse my wounds for a little bit and get healthy within (
In 2004 I knew I had to get more yoga and exercise in my life. I have AS (arthritis) and really needed this as part of my life. I decided to jointhe gym. My goal wasn’tto lose weight, or gain muscle, but so I could walk each day and not be in pain. Sounds like
After listening to a lot of Brene Brown and Maya Angelou, I created a phrase that has changed the way I look at just about everything. It gives me and everyone else a lot of GRACE! It is I assume that… Everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they have been given.
When I was a teen our home was hit by lightning. I was inside and heard the intensebang, then watched the hair on my arms stand up on end! There was an interesting fragrance like something was roasting. My heart was racing and there was an eerie feeling with a strange energy. I had never
Wow, today I sit here thinking, I didn’t see that coming. But instead of being a bad thing, I think it’s a good thing. I have LOVED owning my own business. I think it gave me my identity. It gave me time to spend with my brother and adults. It provided a living for me
In high school my friends and I thought it was fun to do the “fire drill”. We were in the car and when we would stop for a red light, someone would yell “FIRE DRILL!” and we would all get out of the car and run around it until the light turned green. Whoever was
Growing Up With Optimism- The glass to me is not half-full, it’s full. Feeling that I was born with optimism, mixed with parents that are truly awesome gave me an attitude to get through anything. Without this, I do not know where I would be today. My mom’s motto is LOOK FOR THE GOOD. What
Wow I woke up with this great feeling of contentment. I’m not sure I have felt this way before? No, I don’t think so- not in the way I feel peace now. My heart feels healed and that has been a long time coming! I also know that things will keep coming along that are
Over the past few years, I feel that I have had a bit of an Identity Crisis and I’m wondering– who am I? I used to say, “I am a wife, a mother to nine, a business owner, a member of a community, church, etc.” I love all these things in my life sooo much,
Each year I practice something hoping to become better at it. I decided for 2015 that meditation is going to be MY THING! Why would you want to meditate? The purpose of meditation is to calm our minds and to create inner peace. That sounds nearly impossible, but I am willing to try almost anything
I have everything in my life right now that I thought I could ever want, but I feel there is still something missing. That sounds like I’m a completely crazy lady seeing that I have so much. So much, so that others who are minimalists wouldn’t want any part of it. 9 kids (see I
How in the world would exercise make you happier? There is a science to it (which I love!) My top 10 reasons to work out… 1.Working out, even if it is a walk around the block, releases the chemicaldopamineinto your brain. Dopamine is a chemical called a neurotransmitter that affects your emotions, motivation, how
I have always been interested in physical health. I think about exercise, sleep, and what food I put in my body. Most people think about their physical bodies a lot- it’s what we see in the mirror every day and what helps us get from here to there. But what about our mental and emotional
When I started yoga 15 years ago, balance was really hard for me. I would look down at my feet telling them to be stable or as I got better, I would stare at a mark on the wood in front of my toes trying to improve this new balancing act. I tried not to
Water has always been my beverage of choice, but some days I feel like I should be drinking way more of it. This week I have made it a daily goal. Sounds like a pretty easy goal… NOT. How can I forget to drink water? If I’m thirsty, I have a sip and think that’s
Once in a while, things happen that make me stop in my tracks. Yesterday I went to Rachelle’s bedroom and told her to hurry and clean her room. Instantly I was drawn back 17 years ago… We were all in the minivan getting ready to go to a violin lesson. Jeremy was 3 years old
I have been through some things in life and needed some time to think through– like YEARS to process! I didn’t even realize until now that we created a homemade cocoon. A safe house. One that only the people who live here could be inside. Matt and I with our children- learning and growing. So
Something grabbed my attention last week when we were on an airplane. As always, right when we got in our seats, the flight attendant was giving out instructions on how to use the equipment in an emergency. I looked around to see that nobody was really paying attention. I’m surprised I was because I had
I saw this picture in my mind the other day. A clear glass vase with no cracks, no blemishes, just pure and clear. Then I pictured this mosaic vase I have in my home. It used to be clear without blemishes, then some color and dimensions were added. Each of the pieces on here are
7 years ago I felt like I was in a boxing match and wasn’t even aware I was in the game. I thought I was a bystander just watching life pass me by. Ilooked the other way but someone pushed me in the arena, and I was slammed to the ground. I was KNOCKED OUT
This is one of our family favorites. It is one of my favorites because it takes only 4 ingredients and 2 minutes to put it together! Let’s get this done! You can put it in the crock pot on low for the day or in the oven at 350 for 1 hour. ~ 4 chicken
Another ah-ha moment! My mother-in-law asked why my brown sugar was in the freezer?! I have been doing this for the past 15 + years of my life and forgot that this could be something to share. This is one of the best FOOD tips of my life. It makes my life so much easier.
Matt was teaching me how to ride the moped the other day and I was realizing I need to have better balance. Much better balance! Rachelle and Melissa had better balance at age 5 as you can see above! I need to get better balance not only physically, but in every other way- emotionally, mentally,
The heart is an amazing organ. It does have physical pain. When my husband died, my heart hurt. It felt like it was bleeding– physically painful. I would hold my hands over my heart and tell it, “It’s okay. Please hang in there!” Oh, it hurt so bad. I had heard that someone’s heart can
I’m going back in time to the 70’s when my mom used to make us Creamed Tuna on Toast. I remembered this recipe the other day, created a recipe and made a batch in 15 minutes. SUPER easy and my kids even ate it! It’s a great way to use up the tuna sitting in
We often have fish for dinner and I haven’t found a tartar sauce recipe that I love, so I found one to make myself and this one is simple and GOOD! TARTAR SAUCE RECIPE 1 cup Mayonnaise (or substitute with sour cream, pesto, greek yogurt, or make your own – below) 2 TBSP lemon juice
Is everything easier today than when I was young? Or is it how the world works now? I remember grandpa telling ushow he used to have to walk up hill both ways. In the snow. At 5am. To go to work before school. How is that possible to go up hill both ways? Have the
I didn’t even realize it for months, but I was trying to control everything around me once my husband passed away. Then once I realized it, I didn’t understand it. I’m not a controlling person, so why was I trying to control people and situations, and circumstances? Here’s what it is- I felt such a
After getting a new perspective on life, I started to wonder what it was that made people happy? I know that I am a happier person after having gone through bumps along the journey. How could that be? Studies show that only 50% of our happiness and optimism are determined by our genes, and 10%
My future is just like yours, a blank canvas. What am I going to stand up and live for? I have no idea what is coming my way, but I believe it’s going to be good. Good in what way- every way because I believe what happens to me can always be used for
In this world full of drive and being better than the next person, creates a lot of anxiety, especially when you are a parent. No wonder this world is at an all-time high for anti-depressants, suicides, and unhappiness. I was in the rat race years ago. I remember thinking, “My kids are going to be
Towards the end of the first year after Jay passed away it seemed so many people had enough of me or the situation and didn’t know what to do with me anymore. What happened to all of the people who said they would be here for me? The support slowly faded and away they went.
It took me a few years to be able to concentrate enough to read again. My son who was 17 gave me a book he read for school and said it was easy and I would love it. It was “Heaven is for Real.” He was right- I loved it. Then I realized my brain
There are many women in my life who have had a strong influence on me– of course my own mother, sisters, friends, etc. One mother stands out to me this year and has been important in my life, but she is a mom I have never met. 13 years ago I had 5 beautiful blonde
For quite a few years I dreaded my birthday. I wished people would just forget– especially myself! I didn’t like getting older or the attention. Now, once again, my perspective has completely changed. Why I like birthdays now… Oprah says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to
A thought popped into my head the other day- What is the value of one life? I don’t think I could put a dollar value on human life, but after doing a little research, I found that experts have. Because of accidents and all kinds of unfortunate events, the justice system and other agencies had
It’s the time of year when strawberries are on sale, so go get some and I will show you how you and your kids can make strawberry jam in 30 minutes.You will only need 3 ingredients. I decided to make 9 batches yesterday. This is what I did… I bought 16 of the 16oz strawberry
When You Know Better You Do Better. Maya Angelou. This is my favorite ah-ha for the year so far. Maybe for life! I realize I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some things I knew I shouldn’t be doing just because. But what is JUST BECAUSE? That doesn’t really work for me.
I asked my friends and family if they had any advice for my friend who is going to turn 30. They gave me 25 great ideas… What advice would you give your 30-year-old self? 1. You don’t have to do everything perfectly. 2. Lighten up. 3. Have fun. 4. Cherish your kids at every
ABBA has always been a family favorite. Once a year a band comes to town that plays ABBA music and I love it. It’s especially cool since Riley went to Sweden for two years and I have been there and have seen where the music comes from! This year Matt and I went to the
This is one of my favorite summer recipes. It’s from my mom, so it’s going to be good. It’s barbecue time… bring on the baked beans! Baked Bean Recipe 4 cans pork and beans 1 can baked beans 1 can chili 1 small onion 1/2 lb. bacon diced 1 TBSP liquid smoke 1/3 cup brown
One of our all-time favorite recipes at our home! Pork Salad With Creamy Tomatillo Dressing Recipe Pork.3 lbs pork. (I have also used chicken) I cook this in my crock pot all day (7-10 hours). The first 4 hours I cook the pork with seasoning. Then I drain the fat and add these items for
Changing my definition of failure- Let me explain… I have always thought of the word failure as a bad thing. Now I don’t. Well, actually, I don’t even want the word FAILURE in my vocabulary. I choose EXPERIENCE. Everything in this life is for our experience. Some feel good, some bad. What I am hoping
WOW! It’s September 9th. My favorite day of the year! It’s Matt’s and my wedding anniversary. I’m so blessed. 7+ years ago I thought nothing could mend my broken heart, but then a miracle happened. My kids introduced me to Matt. He helped me not only repair my raw, open wounds but rejuvenated my soul.
I have learned most things through experience- the hard way, but 3 stand out to me today. Of course, I have learned I’m not perfect and make mistakes every day, but let’s not get into that- haha. Maya Angelou said, when you know, teach, so here it goes… 3 things I learned the hard
October is such a fun month in Utah. Check out this massive list of things to do before Halloween… This is the Place State Park Little Haunts- This is the Place 2016: October 15, 20-22, & 29 $12.95/adults, $10.95/seniors (65+), $8.95/children (3-11), Free/children (2 and under) 10:00 am – 5:00 pm It’s not scary
I’m sure we will see LOTS of candy this month, so here’s an idea fora healthy fruit Halloween snack. This is an easy breakfast or after school snack.I’m into smiles, so for this creation I use fruits that are orange, green, purple and white or red for the mouth. I chose oranges, kiwi fruit, grapes,
Bulletproof sounds like a good thing- right? It can’t be hurt, things just bounce off of you and you don’t feel it. There are a couple of popular songs that talk about being BULLETPROOF. One of them by La Roux is about a girl whose heart had been hurt, so she told herself she was
Anyone that says blending two families into one is easy, is pulling your leg. It’s actually pulling your heartstrings. It feels like I’M IN A BLENDER. What it is like to blend families… A little background… I never expected to be blending families. Probably nobody does. But in 2008 the unexpected happened… my husband passed
I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is a type of arthritis that can be difficult to diagnose. It’s been quite a journey and have learned a lot. This is how I stay pain-free… I love everything about yoga. It’s usually done in a warm, dark room and I get to wear comfortable clothing. But there’s more
My heart feels fragile again today. My friend lost her 16-year-old daughter in a car accident this past weekend. My heart aches for her and the thousands of people this affects. Every few minutes I find myself with tears falling down my face because I know what they may be feeling. It makes me so
Over the years people kept suggesting I read this book, but I didn’t dare. Wayyy too emotional for me! BUT luckily after hearing recommendations over and over I went there and reading this book helped me look at life differently. It is my winner!!- the number one book that has meant the most to me
Today is the Winter Solstice- the day with the least amount of sunlight in the entire year! As I was doing my yoga sun salutations this morning I thought about this and realized the winter solstice has deep meaning to me. Scientifically, we recognize this as the day that the sun is at the most
Gosh if only I would have known this before… isn’t that something we all think? Life is all about experience and learning. Sometimes we have to learn it for ourselves, but wouldn’t it be great to learn some important stuff from someone else? I was thinking if I could tell my younger self some advice,
I was listening to the audiobook THRIVE, by Ariana Huffington and she was talking about what people say in eulogies. Interesting to think about. Usually, the talk is not about how much money they made, the big toys they had, or how they had to go over the report one more time and missed their
My cousin’s husband just passed away last week and I am devastated for her. This is a tough road and you learn a lot about others and yourself. My mom wanted to get her something and asked me what I received that was special or helpful. What a great question! I had the best friends,
Emotions are such a big part of life. I picture each of us receiving 10 scoops of emotional energy per day. How we use these scoops depends on what our emotional and physical needs are and also what choices we make on how to use what we have. When I wake up feeling awesome I
Have you ever been on the ride MANTA at Sea World San Diego? A few years ago our kids were waiting patiently for this ride to open. We were there opening week. The ride, much like any roller coaster ride, felt like my life story! Waiting in line forever must be how I felt before
Widow’s fog is another thing I didn’t hear about until I was a widow. What in the world is Widow’s Fog? It feels like you are in a dream, a nightmare maybe, where nothing is clear. Nope- not your mind, your hearing, your feelings or your windshield. I seriously felt like I was walking around
When my kids were little I loved the time of night when they were finally asleep. I would go into their rooms to check on them and notice how sweet and peaceful they look while asleep. Staring at them, I would think, “I love you so much! I can’t even believe my heart can feel
Today I was asked an interesting question… “I know your husband died, so what advice would you give on how do you prepare for loss?” My quick answer was, “That’s not something anyone can prepare for!” At least in my situation where he was here one day and gone the next. She then asked me
When I was a little girl our neighbors adopted a baby from Korea. She was the most darling thing I had ever seen. It was then that my eyes were opened to the idea of adoption. Later, when I was 16, I went on a tour of the Orient. I loved it and the experience
Just like so many things right now, the relationship between diabetes and depression isn’t fully understood. I think it’s so interesting the more I have studied mental illness that it’s a disease just like diabetes. My husband had diabetes and we were not embarrassed to tell anyone he had that. He was highly perfectionist and
Miracles Hapen (When You Believe) by Myra Miracles happen, miracles happen You showed me faith is not blind I don’t need wings to help me fly Miracles happen, miracles happen . I can’t imagine living my life without you now Not ever having you around We found our way out (On you I can depend)
Oh, this is the best song! I will protect you. From all around you. I will be here. Don’t you cry. You’ll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more! . . You’ll Be In My Heart ~ Phil Collins Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my
Love this one. Especially when I need something to bring me up and make me feel like I AM NOT A VICTIM! “Catch my breath, no one can hold me back! I ain’t got time for that” . \. Catch My Breath ~ Kelly Clarkson . I don’t wanna be left behind Distance was a
This is a good one! I know sometimes we want to go back and capture all of our memories and this is a song about that. I love how it talks about having some memories that aren’t so sweet, but we have to know some bad times or our life is incomplete. I do know
Gift Ideas For Anyone Who Has Lost A Loved One: Flowers seem to be the traditional gift when someone loses a loved one. I liked receiving them, but it hurt in a weird way when they, too, died. So I thought I would tell you a few gifts I really appreciated when I lost my
In my last blog I talked about things you should NOT say, so what DO you say to someone who is going through loss? My advice of 8 things to say to someone who has lost a loved one would be: 1. Tell them an experience where their loved one who has passed did something meaningful.
My heart breaks today because a friend of mine, Lisa Mathews passed away this morning. She is Mitch’s mom, a fighting cancer warrior, a trainer at The Treehouse Athletic Club and an all out, amazing lady. I hope her family finds peace in this incredibly hard time. She is going to be greatly missed. I
Writing is so interesting. I have to be in the right space – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The energy surrounding me is so important. Noise throws me off. People distract me– I can hear the girls laughing their heads off right now- which isn’t a bad thing- it makes me smile while taking me out
Growing up, my life was filled with love and Disney shows. My favorite princess was Cinderella. It’s funny how I imagined my life would go. I never thought life would be hard- no, it’s like a fairy tale (well I only pictured the end of the fairy tale!) It seems to me that so
Having gratitude is something we hear all the time. It gets so redundant, that sometimes it’s hard to believe it has any power. But there is actual science behind being grateful. The biggest thing I have learned is that a person cannot be grateful and have fear at the same time. Your brain can’t feel
Happy Father’s Day to the man who is everything to me. My Matt. He has put everything he has physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and mentally into our family. BUT being a stepfather can be a thankless job. This blending is really hard and we have found that no matter how hard we try, someone is
Yeah! My favorite time of year is here. I love my country and am so grateful to live in America. The 4th of July is also my Dad’s birthday, so let the party begin! This is what I’m bringing and it’s easy enough to let the kids help…Easy red white & blue chocolate-covered strawberries: 1.Buy
I love warm summer date nights, but what makes them even better is a concert. Last weekend Matt and I went to Sandy Amphitheater to see Arrival- the music of ABBA- one of my all time favorites. It takes me back to memories of fun, happy experiences in life. Some interesting things about ABBA…
I have been waiting for many years for the right time to tell my story. There have been times when I felt I was ready, but my kids were not. I have waited to be in a space where we are healthy and healing and realize we are all on our own journey and healing
Suicide has a different effect on a family than other causes of death. There is a stigma surrounding suicide and it makes everything so awkward. My family has seen the good bad and ugly of suicide. To tell you the truth, I haven’t seen much good except letting others know and being aware of what
In the dictionary closure is a bringing to an end, the state of being closed. In death, there isn’t complete closure. At least I haven’t seen it in the living. I know our families and neighbors want us to move on because it’s driving them crazy to see us heartbroken. They say, Haven’t you found
Days after Jay passed away I went to the doctor. I have had arthritis for years and when there is a ton of stress in my life I get a shot in my SI joint. It’s no small shot- it’s a 45-minute ordeal where they watch on x-ray equipment to get the needle in the
Rolling of my eyes is what I used to give to my mom when she would give me advice when I was sad. But now I believe it’s the best advice I’ve ever received. I learned to live it. Probably not because I wanted to, but she would be alongside me while I did
Growing up my mom taught me to look for the good and be grateful. This is one thing I’m so thankful for! In the past year or so I have been listening to self-help books and realizing how being grateful can change your life in a big way. There is a deep psychology behind this.
Another thing my mom said to me All. The. Time! When I was little… Scatter sunshine everywhere you go. What a difference the world would be if everyone thought this, then did it. What a happy place it would be. What are some good ways to scatter sunshine? smile when driving let people in your
Happy New Year! Try something you’ve never done before- something fun, new and exciting! When my husband passed away I decided this life is to LIVE. Seeing death so up close and personal made me look at life from a completely different perspective. Seriously, we never know how much longer we will be here, so
I’m grateful for where I am today and for what has happened in my past to make me who I am today. It has taken me years of self-help books and a husband who calmly talks me through everything to be able to write that and mean it. I’m also pretty obsessed with The Greatest
Like the message says- it takes a tribe to raise someone, I believe it because I have seen it in my very own life. I have learned that when I need something I cannot do it alone and I need my team. I was telling my daughter that I feel like I have a team
Rule #1: Don’t Compare Loss. When your loved one dies, it is common to hear people trying to comfort each other by saying, “I know how you feel because I lost…” Hearing these things really didn’t make me feel any better. It was hard for me to imagine that anyone could know how I felt
Bring on the guilt – loud and strong! Here it is- feelings of relief that they are gone. What in the world is going on?! This is a really confusing stage. This feels completely WRONG. I remember thinking I must be a terrible person to have these thoughts. Seriously I can’t believe that entered my
Yoga taught me self esteem. It took years and years of learning to focus on me- not in a selfish way, but in a self-developmentway. I didn’t even realize in the beginning that yoga was teaching me anything in that area. I thought yoga was for physical strength and to become more flexible, but over
I didn’t even realize that bargaining was a stage when I went through it. This happened a couple of weeks after the funeral when I would do anything not to feel this pain. The beginning looked something like IF ONLY’s and WHAT IF’s IF ONLY I had planned something to do that day so he
A long time ago, it seems like a lifetime ago, I had a will done. Yes, way back in 2002 Jay and I bought “I will make you a will” from a lawyer at a Scout Fundraiser. We had heard you were supposed to, so this was our chance. If anything happens to me, Jay
Boundaries. Yeah- Another thing I get to learn in this journey. Isn’t this fun that every day I find something else I need to get better at? I must have skipped class when we learned about creating healthy boundaries. I thought being nice was the most important thing in the whole world and let people
When I went through the loss of my husband and the healing that goes along with suicide I found a few music artists that I connected strongly with. Kelly Clarkson is one of those. I love her song Piece by Piece. It’s a song that hits close to home. At the beginning of my healing
Life is a balancing act, isn’t it? How do you balance everything- families, hobbies, health, spirituality, work? Yoga taught me balance. I learned it changes every day. Most days are not balanced for me- I have to look at my life from a bird’s eye point of view to see if there is some kind
I believe in miracles. About 6 months after my husband died my kids told me about friends they had in their school classes that they wanted to hang out with because they were also going through loss. They had lost their mom to cancer. I knew exactly who they were talking about because I had
I’m sure this song hits everyone in some way. We probably all have been told at some point to hide our scars. We may think that no one will love us as we are. Well this song will help you know that you are beautiful just the way you are and worthy of everything- especially
You have probably heard of the poem describing a person’s life, “Footprints in the sand”. In a dream a man sees scenes from his life and saw two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonged to the person, one to the Lord. He noticed that many times along the path of life, there was
Acceptance is a word that doesn’t mix very well with the word death. It seems by saying that I accept this death that I’m ok with what has happened. That is not true. Acceptance is confused with ok with what happened and I don’t think anyone feels loss was justified or that they like this
There is a quote that many of us have heard, “TIME HEALS.” I do not think this is completely correct. Time is certainly an interesting thing. I know countless people that are still in deep mourning after years and decades after a loss of a loved one. There are also people that think you should
This could be an entire book, but for now, let’s look at the basics of children’s grief. Children and loss– Kids don’t have experiences or resources in knowing how to deal with death. That’s our duty is to teach them, probably right along with ourselves, how to do this in the most healthy way. Unfortunately
For my birthday this year I made a few new goals. One is a physical goal- work out at least 30 minutes per day. Another is to lift someone each day (haha -not physically but emotionally). I have found the best kept secret to be happy today is to make someone else smile. I promise
Not everyone has a major event in their life that causes grief- thank goodness. I didn’t even recognize how much mourning I had done over the years until I studied grief. Yes, I did have a major event that caused heartache and luckily while trying to move forward I studied despair. I found out I
Summer is a time to relax and have fun. Well…sometimes more for the kids! So what are we going to do to entertain them?Start by having the kids make a summer bucket list. Need inspiration? 50 Fun Things For Kids OUTDOOR: 1. A to Z Scavenger Hunt: Find something for every letter of the alphabet
Nobody wants to be a tattle tale or be someone who can’t be trusted with secrets. But what if it is a really important life-and-death secret? I was 17 and my friend told me he wanted to commit suicide. I was good at secret keeping and had no idea what to do with this information.
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since he died. Wow, an entire decade! In some ways, it feels like a year ago, in some ways it feels like it was a different lifetime. It’s interesting how the stages of grief feel as you get further down the path of moving forward. It’s been difficult
My wish for you is this- that you will live like you were dying! “Live Like You Were Dyin'” He said, “I was in my early 40s, With a lot of life before me, And a moment came that stopped me on a dime. I spent most of the next days Lookin’ at the X-rays,
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama
There is a real stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide. It is scary to speak about suicide. If I talk about it, will people think less of me and my family? Will others believe me? I have been scared to let others know the family secret. For years I have been asked by many family
Is it even possible to multitask? My whole life I thought I was multitasking and wanting to do it better, but feeling like I failed so often. In this fast-paced world, everyone wants to get as much done in the shortest amount of time. But I have been saved! The more I research and
I have been studying the brain. It’s so amazing and scientists are proving more things every day! What is the subconscious mind? It’s something we have heard a lot about lately. In order to gain some degree of control over your subconscious mind you first need to understand how it operates. One of the
Say “YES, PLEASE!” to those who are offering help when you lose a loved one. This is hard for some people to do. We are used to saying we can do it all, but at this time in your life after you have lost a spouse you can really use the help. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
I remember telling my friend 10 years ago that she should come to a yoga class with me at the gym. She said, “I’m not going to sit there and say ummm for an hour.” I would laugh and say, “That isn’t what yoga is! It’s a physical and mental exercise. It’s being in
I didn’t know anyone who had taken their own life. Suicide is one of those words that is not talked about- it has a bad stigma. Again I found myself wondering why do we think of suicide in such a terrible way? Spiritual- I learned when growing up in my church that suicide is murder.
Change is uncomfortable. But this earthly life we are living is changing all the time. Change is especially prominent after the loss of a spouse or loved one. Pretty much everything changes- who we wake up to, who we communicate with daily, and who we put all of our love into. One of my favorite
I have read many comments on my social media groups of people who take their loved one’s suicide personally. I know it’s easy to do, because I did it, too. I think it is all a part of the grieving process. I learned from years of reading books how the word SHOULD ought to be
This major change of loss rocked my world. And my beliefs. It made me step back and look at my beliefs from a completely new perspective. I never even considered that my core beliefs could change. Or some could even be false. Wow- this is eye-opening! The dictionary describes belief as an opinion or conviction.
Dreaming after a loss. Some days I hated to go to sleep because I knew in the morning I would wake up to a huge thud in my heart when I realized this truly was happening- my husband had passed away. After the loss, I had weird dreams. Often I dreamed he was still alive
Let the year-long roller coaster ride begin! Oh wait- it may last longer than that. Emotions after a loss are crazy! I was listening to a lecture on stress and it said that we all can take and even kinda like some stress. Many people like to go on roller coasters at amusement parks. Why?
We grow up with beliefs of what our lives should look like. That’s the problem right there with expectations. I pictured my life to be normal like my parents – grow up in a nice family, go to college, get married to the love of my life, have a bunch of kids, raise them, retire,
Who is to blame for this loss? Is it your fault? Is it someone or something’s fault? This is the blame stage and it’s hard, but you really have to go through it to get it out of your mind and find peace within. Exploring it won’t change what happened but it helped me to
Balance is the big word for the past couple of years. I’ve looked into it to see where I can feel this so-called balance. Nowhere to be found! I’m pulled this way and that and NEVER feel like “I’ve got this!” At home, there’s never a dull moment. I’m never bored- I’ll tell you that
TURN THE BLENDER ON PULSE (What my heart has learned): ~ We all are given so much emotional energy each day. If we use it up before 7 am dealing with crying and ‘she took my shirt’, then the rest of the day is going to be tough. We have all learned through death that
I had an amazing experience just 9 months after my husband died. While on my knees praying desperately for help from my Father in Heaven, I heard the words STAND UP AND LIVE. I felt He also said to stand up, wipe the dirt off your knees (literally I did), breathe in deep and LIVE.
Many people go to college and pay a price for that knowledge. You may be one who loves school and keeps getting degrees in different things and paying for that knowledge. I only had the blessing of going to college for one year. So the rest of my knowledge came from the school of life.
Most households have a ton of paperwork- such as mail, kids’ homework, memories, important documents, etc. I felt the amount of paperwork after my husband passed away tripled in size! What in the world? Are you kidding me?! I already couldn’t concentrate- what am I supposed to do with all of these documents and everything?!
We have a quote frequently used by my company-Glow Tec, Inc on our website and on our products. ~~Creative play boosts brain power But are these quotes true? Well, although we do like to consider ourselves scientists, however, in this blog entry you will find some information from actual doctors and researchers publishing their work
Christmas is around the corner, and so is Christmas break. It’s a time when many parents shell out cash on winter day-camp or extra daycare costs for their kid’s days off school. This is in addition to the usual holiday costs of travel, special meals, and gifts. The prices add up in your head and
What are your kids going to give their friends and teachers this year for the holiday? Rachelle created these cute chocolate spoons to add to hot cocoa mugs. It’s easy– you may want to try it! This is how to make chocolate spoons & hot cocoa mugs for presents… STEP 1: Buy ALMOND BARK. The
What Makes You Different Makes You Special ~Hugh Jackman
I heard this song the other day. “I get knocked down but I get up again.” Sometimes it feels like that is just how life is. It happens in many areas of our life too- like emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial. We all get knocked down- it’s a part of life. Just like when we
Glow Dough was created way back in the 70's by my father Gary Hansen. He is a research scientist and when he made this dough at work, he thought, My kids would love this! So what would a good dad do, bring it home for us to play with! At the time it did not
We went on a family vacation over New Year’s on the Carnival Magic boat. It didn’t take a ton of work to plan and I love that I don’t have to entertain 10 adults and feed them for a week! They can do it all themselves on the boat. The theme of the week that
“Not A Day Goes By” ~ Lonestar Got a picture of you I carry in my heart Close my eyes to see it when the world gets dark Got a memory of you I carry in my soul I wrap it close around me when the nights get cold If you asked me how I’m
Many of us have challenges, things that hold us back. I am encouraged when I read about someone who has had difficult things happen to them but goes over and beyond to be the best they can be. And then blesses the world with their talent. I just found one today… One of my favorite
I have been studying multi-tasking because I am a “Get everything done now!” kind of girl and it’s not working for me anymore. It seems like my brain needs more RAM, but that’s not possible. Is there a better way? I started at the beginning, wondering what made me this way? What gave me
The Science of Play: Playing Pretend/Free play It's no secret that children learn from their play! How does playing pretend and free play or using imagination affect children's development? The subject of play, specifically the positive impact it has on children has piqued the curiosity of parents and scientists alike. Recent studies have proven what
Years ago I went out to dinner with my neighbor. I asked her to tell me one of her most memorable experiences. I couldn’t believe what came out of her mouth! She told me she had gone on a date with serial killer Ted Bundy! Because of her quick whit, she is still alive today.
I have heard people say that if everyone were to put their challenges in a pile, then you could choose a few, you would look at all of the choices, then pick out the ones you put in the pile, to begin with. Are you crazy? Haha, I would choose the person who is
One of our family favorites! Today was a “SNOW DAY” where all school was canceled, so we had time to make these! It took about 1 1/2 hours to make. You can totally change the taste of the pull-aparts depending on what pudding you put in the mix. So be creative and ENJOY! Pull Aparts-
Day after day I hear how many widows and widowers are hurting. Of course, your hearts hurt! You hurt because you loved, but remember LOVE is a good thing! There were many days that I thought, “I wish this didn’t hurt!” But then realized that I wouldn’t hurt at all if I didn’t care. If
My friend Amy Dott has inspiring advice. I asked her if she could share her experience with anxiety. She wrote: When I was in the first grade, my first episode of anxiety kicked in. I had no idea what I was feeling. I only knew that my heart raced, I was panicky, sweating, and felt
Do you know that there is a science about shape? Yes! MORPHOLOGY is the study of shape, size, and texture of physical objects. Kids are more focused with hands-on play and it also helps with fine motor skills, so let's do some fun activities practicing morphology today! What shapes can you make with sugar
My grandfather was a veteran who lost his leg. The VA gave him a prosthetic limb, which he appreciated greatly. He outlived my grandmother by two decades. After my dad passed away, I had a conversation with my grandfather about how my mother was coping. My grandfather gave me some advice that I didn’t fully
This is one of those songs I have on repeat! It makes me feel awesome. When you have gone through hard times it makes you realize that falling down is just a part of this game in life. It made me realize that this life could be finished at any time and I totally lost
You are still whole. Even though you feel like half of you is gone. I know your heart has been ripped out, but you are still 100% person. You aren’t 1/2 person like half of you has been taken from your body. Look you probably still have 2 legs and 2 arms. Emotionally it seems
Play is my business. Doesn't that sound like the best job ever? I am also a researcher at heart, but never really considered studying play. I mean, you just have fun, right? Well, our brains have a lot more to say about play than that. Dr. Stuart Brown in my new hero. He has been
Oh no! The 3-month mark?! 100 days after Jay had passed was the hardest time I have had in the 10 years since his loss. At this point, the numb feeling wore off and I began to realize he wasn’t coming back and I really was a widow. For people who have never lost anyone
Oh, I found out I didn’t fix all my perfectionism on that breakdown I had in 2000. I’ve had other times where I had to become real- like when my husband passed away. A few days after Jay passed away, one of my lifelong best friends, Becky, came over to visit with me. She knows
If you watch the video – Can’t stop the feeling (Trolls by Justin Timberlake) it will make you happy no matter what is going on. Get up and dance- why don’t ya! Ah, yeah, ah, yeah I got this feelin’ inside my bones It goes electric, wavy when I turn it on All through my
Is your computer desktop screen cluttery? Here’s how to fix it for good… As life keeps ticking I realize that I don’t do very well with clutter. I have tried to be ok with “the mess” at different seasons of my life, but as I really get to know ME, I do much better with
Are we watching the same game? I look behind me at the sports commentator who is in the broadcasting box to see if he is really announcing the same soccer game as I’m watching. Are you kidding me? He really is. I am not seeing this game at all like he is. I keep
My friend and attorney, David Wood, wrote this. It’s helpful and comforting. What’s a widow to do- not only emotionally, but legally? In 2009, my mother became a widow. Dad’s health had been poor for several years so it wasn’t much of a surprise when he was taken to the emergency room one last time.
I believe that we truly are only one phone call from our knees. Most of us have felt this where there isn’t anything you can do, but fall to your knees. I felt that once again, today. Here’s a song written about that one phone call… . Closer to Love by Mat Kearney . .
After the loss of a loved one or any big change, fitness may change as well. Why in the world would I talk about fitness when it’s hard to just get out of bed? There are huge benefits of exercise for the mind and body. When people get hurt they do physical therapy as soon
I can usually give one piece of advice that will help on almost any occasion, LISTEN TO YOUR GUT! Everyone has a deep inner voice. I believe it is a human gift. This inner voice, gut, intuition or whatever you like to call it is always there giving us advice. If we listen to it-
It took me quite a few years to change my perception of my life as a victim. I had felt safe in the pain of being a victim. People felt sorry for me. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to do because I was the poor casualty. Nobody was going to change
I have read and listened to hundreds of books. These have been the best tool for me in self-development and helped me gain a new perspective. These are a few of my favorite PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT books and sharing my favorite take-aways… . Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl (We cannot avoid suffering, but we
Five Must-Have Supplies That Should Be Part Of Your Disaster Preparedness No matter where you live, what your personal situation is, or what type of disasters you may be facing, there are some basic supplies everyone should have on hand just in case. Here are five things that you should stock and store at all
Make An Emergency Preparedness Plan For Your Family Let's face it. Sooner or later your family will encounter a natural disaster or similar emergency event that requires you to jump into action to stay safe and sound. Doing so will become much easier when you go in prepared and with a plan. Here are three
Emergency Supplies Checklist For most emergencies expect to keep at least enough food to feed each person in your household for 3-5 days. NON-PERISHABLE FOODS & BEVERAGES Canned soups with pull tab Canned meat with pull tab Tuna fish sealed pouch or pull tab peanut butter granola bars nuts dried fruit beef jerky trail mix
Do You Know What Disasters You Should Be Prepared For? It doesn't matter where you live, chances are that sooner or later you'll face some sort of a disaster that will leave you without power, water, or access to buy more. It could be a natural disaster like a hurricane, snowstorm, flood, tornado, or earthquake.
Survival Food Storage Will Come In Handy During A Disaster When you are sheltering in place, are planning on staying in a shelter, or even dealing with the possibility of being stuck out on the road, having food and water is your top priority in any disaster situation. You can make it without power, and
What Emergency Supplies Do You Need In Your Disaster Kit? Let me ask you something? Do you have a disaster kit? If not, it's something you should work on right away. You never know when you'll find yourself in a situation where you have to manage without power, internet, or the ability to head out
Giving gifts for the 12 days of Christmas is a tradition I have loved since I was 17. One reason is that it is a secret and we try not to let the person who is receiving the gifts know who they are coming from. The 13th of December is the first day of gift-giving
This took me a long time to figure out, but I finally learned it feels much better inside to take responsibility for my own life. Once I took control, I could lead the life I wanted. I figured out that I get to choose most of it. If I looked deep and without judgment,
It’s been 6 months now since Don passed away. I wrote this blog the day after he died, but waited until now to ask his daughter if I could publish it. This was such a special thing that happened to her and it still brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch the video because
Introduction So, your life feels like a country and western song. Life can be like that sometimes. You may wake up every day wondering what will go wrong today. It may be hard to imagine right now, but we’ve all gone through times in our life when it feels like everything’s falling apart. When it
Website Security 101: Keeping Your WordPress Site Safe from Hackers Are security concerns keeping you from enjoying the flexibility and power of WordPress? If you’ve bought into the hype that WordPress is inherently unsecure, then you’re missing out on all the great things WordPress has to offer, for no good reason. The fact is, while
Apparently many people who have NOT lost someone close to them, don’t understand that you will NEVER get “over this”. I didn’t understand before it happened to me, so I am patient with others who say comments such as, “Haven’t you moved on yet? It’s been a year!” Or, “I think you should be over
Years ago I would dread January. In the fall I knew what was coming- a dark, icy cold month and I’m always scared to drive! I would worry about it for months- how was I going to get through this winter? Going back to what my mom taught me I knew I had to find
Remembering January 1, 2017. Goal setting for the year. I could try again to write three goals in each of the 7 areas of my life. 21 goals. Not too many, but they get lost. Too many for my little brain to remember. How can I do this different? I need it to be very
Myths vs. Facts about the World’s Most Used Website Builder- WORDPRESS Are you trying to create a website for your business? There are many platforms to consider. For something so popular, there certainly are a lot of myths surrounding WordPress, its uses, and its viability in certain situations. If you’re searching for a website solution
Just like the 4-minute mile- nobody thought it was possible for a person to run one mile faster than 4 minutes, but as soon as Roger Bannister did it in 1954, 2 runners- just 2 months later- ran it faster. You, too, can do this hard thing. Loss may feel like a marathon, but you’ll
Teens are very unique and act that way. So you will need to think of them individually with their personalities and what they have been through. Think through a few of these things on how to support a teenager. There is not a wrong or right way how to do this. Talking to your teen
I have learned that being grateful may be the best thing to help me through ups and downs. Yes, some days that is hard to do. But if I just look around there is so much to be grateful for- my very breath, love, I feel for those around me, this beautiful earth, and pure
Matt- I choose YOU! Over and over again I would choose YOU! Remember before kids how we could stay up late and get up late? Oh ya, we have never been together without kids. Hopefully, someday we can have a real date without kids and maybe even an empty-nester honeymoon! Blending isn’t the easiest way
Healing is a journey. At many points in the past decade, I felt like I was healed from the trauma of Jay’s death. Then something comes up that I need to look at again and I realize that healing is not a destination- it’s a journey of learning more and more about myself. When I
Blogging- 6 Places to Use Keywords to Make Your Content More Visible Keywords are the terms your ideal client is plugging into Google or another search engine when she needs an answer. Life coach in Alberta and business coach for virtual assistants and how to upload a book to Kindle are all examples of keywords.
This was Jays’ favorite song ever, and wow did it make more sense after he passed… . The Dance by Garth Brooks: Looking back on the memory of The dance we shared beneath the stars above For a moment all the world was right How could I have known that you’d ever say goodbye And
Most people were really sensitive when my husband passed away, but I didn’t want to hear this one. more. time., “You are still young, you are going to find someone else.” How do you reply to that? It’s awkward, to say the least! I lost my husband, not an item like my shoes. I didn’t
This song is so cute. I believe they really are with us each day. “Love, Me” I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three. Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. He said, “Boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago, Grandma’s daddy
Success At Being An Entrepreneur Resource Cheat Sheet If you’re reading this then you’re ready to start your own business and live the life of a successful entrepreneur. This resource guide was created as a way to give you extra materials, should you feel that you want to continue reading and building your knowledge. All
Checklist and Guide Ready to be successful at being an entrepreneur? Go through this checklist. Write things down so it’s legitimate. ~The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen. Lee Iacocca Wanting success isn’t always enough, especially if you don’t have the right mindset. It’s important that you make
Sometimes I am more of a visual learner. If you are, too, check out this MindMap to help you be more successful at being an entrepreneur. Isn’t that cool?!
Get Started Checklist For Business Branding Branding is all about creating instant recognition in the minds of your target audience. There are a number of steps to building and growing a successful brand. As an entrepreneur, sometimes doing this as a solo entrepreneur, there will be a lot to do. Use this checklist so you
10 TIPS FOR THE ELDERLY DURING A PANDEMIC Older people face a higher risk of getting infected during a pandemic because they may have weaker immune systems, making them more susceptible to illnesses. Elderlies with chronic illnesses are exposed to a higher risk. It is crucial to be aware of the best ways of
Being quarantined unquestionably affects your day to day routine. Learning to adjust is something you need to do to get through the pandemic. One of the major concerns you may have during a pandemic is the fact that you are no longer able to go to the gym due to prevailing lockdown for your
What you put in your brain is so important. Your self-talk is more important than what anyone else in the world can say to you. (Because YOU are with you the most!) So I want you to think of someone in your life who has always been your biggest cheerleader. If you don’t have someone
The internet has an insatiable appetite for information. Billions of searches are conducted every single day looking for everything from how to bake an apple pie to why zebras have stripes. For anyone who conducts business online, these searches represent a steady flow of potential customers who are looking for what you have to
When do I start dating again after loss? Everyone has A LOT to say about this when you start considering entering the dating scene again. Maybe more than any other thing! BUT nobody has lived your life, so I don’t think it’s their choice! Even if they have been your best friend throughout your whole
Living in the now can help you create more of what you want in life. Use this worksheet to kickstart your journey into the present. What makes you rush in the mornings? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What could you do differently to create a calmer morning routine? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What is one
You Can Have Major Health Problems From Chronic Stress Our bodies are hard-wired to react to stress to protect us from potential threats. While we are no longer being threatened by predators or other aggressors, we are still facing multiple demands each day that our body reacts to in the same way.I didn’t even realize
Opening my heart lately to see the good and bad while quarantined. I have trained myself to look for the good. (thanks, Mom!) But there are some devastating effects as well. I have noticed the hard stuff the longer this quarantine goes on. I see the good, bad and ugly (really bad!) right now. FAMILY–
The dictionary defines KINDNESS as “The quality of being friendly, generous, considerate. Of a sympathetic or helpful nature, gentle, affectionate, loving.” “Be ye kind to one another” is in the scriptures, Ephesians 4:32. It is thought that Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul around AD 62. Nearly 2000 years later, it is still really
When authorities declare a Pandemic situation, you, like the rest of the world, are home-bound to help slow the virus. Staying at home is enjoyable for the first few days, but staying on lockdown for many days can drive some crazy. The best way to avoid getting out of your mind during quarantine is to
Was my heart ripped apart when Jay passed away? Absolutely! But I realized that the heart muscle does heal – just like any other muscle in my body. Also, I figured out over time that when you work your muscles – like your legs while running or biking, you create little tears in your muscle
Now that the funeral is over you will start getting a ton of mail. It was overwhelming to me! My mom came to my house a couple of times a week to help me sort it out, call who I needed to, turn in important papers, deal with life insurance, apply for Social Security, etc.
You Can’t Teach Children to Behave Better By Making Them Feel Worse. When Children Feel Better, They Behave Better. Pam Leo
Caramel apples sounds pretty amazing right now! I received this recipe on how to make caramel apples from one of the best caterers in the world- Mary Crafts, creator of Culinary Crafts. Her assistant added a few tips that I had never heard of as well… Caramel Apples Makes 8 apples. Total time: 40 minutes
I have heard many people say, “I didn’t sign up for this”, or “I didn’t ask for this.” It makes me wonder what everyone thinks they signed up for? This is what I believe- we knew this life was going to be hard when we wanted to come to this earth. I believe we knew
I have people ask me how I do things in my house. They all seem so normal to me, but some people really get a kick out of it. SO have at it! This is how we do… Daily Kitchen Chore List – October Melissa – Dining table Jessica – Island countertop Rachelle – Unload
This is one of my favorite people on earth and one of the most inspirational stories out there. Clay is my brother-in-laws brother, so a brother to me. We laughed when I asked him if he could tell me how he STANDS UP & LIVES (my motto) you’ll get that as you read his story…
In business? A website is a must-have asset. It’s where potential clients will find and get to know you. It’s the first place referrals will turn to learn more about you. It’s where you’ll sell your products and services, invite contact requests, brand yourself in your niche, and show off what you know. It might
I know the feeling when someone passes away and it seems there’s nothing you can do. But, yes, there are some helpful things you can do and gifts for a widowed mom. I listed 10 of my favorite things you can either provide through service or give to the newly widowed… 1. One of the
Do you feel there is so much drama out there with everyone and everything? Stress is high and so much negativity in the world. Please let me unsubscribe from the drama! I have figured out how I can. I start with meditation which helps me to not think about the past or the future. It’s
We do have choices! Choice is defined as an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. It is a gift we have so many choices in this day and age, but sometimes it is overwhelming! Once again, we all are different so we go about deciding things
Through the example of my dad creating and inventing, it not only taught me to think that way, but more importantly taught me some life lessons. My father is a chemist and I knew my dad was the coolest guy on the block, no probably in the entire world! He was always inventing ways for
When I go to the store, park, or any public place, I watch how couples treat each other. I watch how adults talk to their children. I think it’s so interesting. Years ago I heard a dad yelling, like a crazy maniac, at his child on the next aisle over. I looked over and saw
I am a member of some Widow Groups on Facebook. It breaks my heart each day to read more and more stories of loss. Oh, how I wish I could take their pain away. When you get that low it is really hard to know what to do. Some lose their will to live and
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Oprah
My whole life can be summarized by what I learned at the gym. I heard these things over and over until I believed them, then I got to use them in my everyday life! . It’s only one minute of your life- work it! I am grateful that my body can work out- so I
I love making Rhodes Rolls to go with our dinner, but I rarely think of it in time to let them sit on the counter and rise for hours. You can also use this tip for homemade rolls. Here’s the magic to raise dough much quicker: Make sure you have room at the bottom of
Most people are given a few tools to help them deal with life. Years ago my toolbox was quite small and old-fashioned. Life-altering challenges happened to me and I realized that I didn’t know how to deal with so many emotions and hard things. I had only been using the basics in my toolbox- run
When Jay passed away people would say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle” and I wondered, was I too weak for this trial? Was God punishing me? One more time feeling I was not good enough. I also thought, “It’s easy for others to say God won’t give us more than we
This a question I hear all the time… When is the best time to change my social media status from married to widow? This is a big one even though that may sound crazy. It’s kind of like telling people some deep stuff that’s in your heart or where you are at in the grieving
Having big dreams, high standards and striving for excellence can be a good thing- right? But where do we stop,what price are we willing to pay for success? Or the look of success? It’s taken me years of lessons, breakdowns, and breakthroughs and now I know that “Perfect is the enemy of good.” ~Voltaire In
Has the paint come off your furniture, doors, baseboards? Try using a sharpie to hide it. There are all colors of sharpies – you can use white or black or gray or whatever matches your wood! I found the most amazing ways to use sharpies on furniture! **Please try it in an inconspicuous spot first
Most people only have a couple of days to write the obituary. In these crazy emotional times, and when your head isn’t on straight you may need a little help. This is some information to get you started and things you may need to know when writing the obituary. . Personal History For Obituary: Name
Jealous of the Angels by Donna Taggart I didn’t know today would be our last Or that I’d have to say goodbye to you so fast I’m so numb, I can’t feel anymore Prayin’ you’d just walk back through that door And tell me that I was only dreamin’ You’re not really gone as long as
These are a few of my favorite BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT books: Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek (Great leaders create environments in which people naturallywork together to do remarkable things.) . The Way Of The Seal by Mark Divine(Think like an elite warrior to lead and succeed) . Essentialism by Greg McKeown (The disciplined pursuit of
We know that there is no way to replace anyone who has passed away. But when my husband died, others found many ways to bring a smile to my kids. No matter what you hear in the world today, I have witnessed too many times to count that people are SO generous with their time,
Holidays are something that you probably used to look forward to. Now that your spouse or loved one is no longer with you, it is something that you may worry about for months, maybe even dread. Holidays and grief are hard to mix! I have written some things I have learned about the holidays… Let’s
This is an idea for creating your Funeral Program and some of the things you may want to include. It helps to write down beforehand the people you would want to have on the program and also thinks about who would like to be on the program. Listen to your gut carefully to help YOU
Notify these people/ companies when your spouse or loved one passes away: Social Security Administration- offers survivors benefits. Please contact them and make an appointment ASAP. They will not pay for previous months. They also put the deceased on the Social Security Master Death Index to avoid fraud. Employer of the deceased. Check benefits. Life Insurance company
This is a list of documents you will probably need or want to have when your spouse has passed away. I know it feels so overwhelming- especially all of this paperwork, but you can do this! If he/she has already passed, do this one step at a time- or if someone asks what they can
Do these 7 frozen food tips to save time and money! In the summer when you have a bunch of fresh veggies that are not going to be used, freeze them for soups in the fall and winter. Sometimes I will wash, chop, and prepare them before freezing so I can drop what’s inside the
Why Didn’t God Take Me Instead? This is a very common question to ask. We ask this question and many more because our brain is trying to process what happened. Our brain’s main function is to protect us, so it’s doing its job trying to figure out how you could have fixed this or
For crying out loud! Please don’t stop yourself from crying. Cry it out! Your tears heal. They are taking the pain that you feel inside and releasing them outside. We don’t want them bottled up inside or our body and soul will feel it. Later it turns into stress, pain, and/or sickness. Some of us
Let’s chunk the journey of loss into 3 parts- survive, heal and grow. It’s easier for my head to wrap around it that way. Grief is really complex, so we are going to simplify it, if possible! There are so many things that make a difference in this journey- your history, personality, how your loved
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross developed stages of grief when listening to and observing death and terminally ill patients. She came up with 5 stages of grief. I thought that was interesting because I think I have gone through 105 stages of grief… so far! I am years out now from my husband passing away and I think
Our family has been deeply affected by suicide. Matt and I have 9 children blended together. 3 of them are married and we consider all of them our kids, so we have 12. 11 of them have lost a parent at a young age. 7 children lost their dad to suicide, the other 4 lost
This is a list of information you may need to know when you fill out the paperwork for the death certificate… . Full Name of Deceased Age Male/ Female Date of Death Time of Death Social Security Number Place of Death / Address City and State Date of Birth Place of Birth Surviving Spouse (maiden
I created a video for you with 11 simple things to do right when you become a widow. Hope you can use it and please share it with others who may find it useful! . 11 simple things to do right when you become a widow. I was not expecting to be a widow at
I have been in two marriages and someone asked me, “Do you think Matt is your soul mate?” I have a lot of thoughts that surround this. How do you define soulmate- do we only have one? So is Matt my soulmate? I believe YES! But it depends on your definition of SOULMATE. Let me
Planning a funeral when you are a new widow is a daunting task, but you can do this! It was a very hard time in my life, ok the worst week of my life, but also the most special and spiritual. Later all I could think about was what I could have and should have
I was not expecting to become a widow, so it caught me completely off guard. I had no idea what to do in any area of my life. Now I have some suggestions for my sweet friends who are going through this themselves. 10 things you need to do as soon as you are a
Within an hour of finding out my husband passed away, the process of planning his funeral began. (Remember planning a funeral wasn’t on my agenda this year, or EVER! I kept saying, “This is unbelievable!) The mortician, who is a good friend of mine, called and asked if he could come over and visit with
My mom talked to everyone, everywhere. Now I see this as a gift, but I’m sure I looked at my mom like she was crazy when this happened- in line at the grocery store or at a restaurant. Yes- everywhere. She taught me that everyone is special. I really appreciate this now- when someone wasn’t
Only love can save this world. So I stay, I fight and I give… for this world I know can be. This is my mission now. Forever. -Wonder Woman
What is the most important way to support your friends who have just lost a loved one? From the first moment I knew Jay had passed away, nothing felt normal. Having friends help me, or at least not judge me, do things that used to be my “normal” lifted my spirits. Before all of this
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Keep stepping towards your goals!
This is one of my favorite home cooked breads, banana bread. When my bananas get a bit brown and I don’t want to eat them, I make banana bread or muffins. This is a recipe I have used for decades, but now I try to cook more healthy. So there are a few substitutes to
What I did the first few months after loss when I was anxious? Ran like crazy, did as many spin classes as my gym offered and kickboxing, pilates, yoga, weights. Anything so I didn’t have to go home. Anything so I could feel my legs hurt instead of my heart. I know it wasn’t the
Since Mother’s Day is coming up, I was thinking about all the wonderful women who are a part of me and who I am so grateful for. Thank goodness we have set days in the year to think about special things in our life- otherwise, we may pass over some of our greatest blessings. There
I am sharing with you today my absolute favorite frosting recipe. It’s my kid’s favorite recipe and they actually prefer this frosting over buying a cake from the store for their birthday. I have kept it as a family secret recipe for 30 years, but just decided- what good is it when only my family
Our family loves fresh fruit cups. They are super easy to make, then grab and go! Here are some tips on how I do this… I choose out about 10 items that I know we will eat. I have to remember that these will only last about 4-5 days in the fridge, so I don’t
I’ve had a lot of practice with cleaning and organizing kids’ rooms. Nine kids gave me a ton of practicing patience, I mean, practicing cleaning. It starts out with two choices-teach them to do it themselves or what may seem easier to do at the moment- do it myself. I have cleaned plenty of rooms
This is my go-to morning breakfast. It is healthy, yummy, and filling! You do not need to add any sugar- it’s delicious with all raw ingredients. I usually make the granola first, then while it is cooling I make the smoothie because it can be whipped up in minutes. Granola Mix by hand or
Most families today have very busy schedules which makes eating healthy a little harder. I have had to learn to prepare- (which sometimes seems like too much BUT then I am in line at the drive-thru longer than if I had cut up some veggies!) We have found convenience (take-out food) is easy, but sometimes
I have done a bunch of blogs for people who have lost a loved one, but I really wish I could speak to their friends. Before I lost my spouse, I had no idea what to do for anyone that had a loss or how their mind and heart were processing this. Now that I
Immortality by Celine Dion ft Bee Gees We don’t say goodbye… . Lyrics: So this is who I amAnd this is all I knowAnd I must choose to liveFor all that I can giveThe spark that makes the power grow And I will stand for my dream if I canSymbol of my faith in who
So you want to play a little more? Well isn’t that like a child and now we are grown adults? It’s what we were taught to believe (play is for children), but is it good? Should we keep on believing that? Researchers show that playing is essential in all walks of life. I know
Ribs are one of my favorite things to order at a restaurant. But NOW I can make them just as tender and yummy at home with my new Sous Vide Precision Cooker! I have never tasted better ribs IN ALL OF MY LIFE!! They take a long time in the Sous Vide, but without much
I have always had Saturday cleaning for my kids. When we became a blended family, this task was much harder. I was put on the BAD list of all of our 7 kids living at home, immediately. Before it was do it or die. Now I had to be all nice and stuff. My lists
I wrote this in 2017 but feel it is so important, so I am republishing it. I have been waiting 9 years for the right time to tell my story. There have been times when I felt I was ready, but my kids were not. I have waited to be in a space where
Oh, this song will get me every time! I’m sure most of us have wished we had just a few moments again with a loved one who has passed. This song pretty much sums up all of those thoughts. One More Day ~by Diamond Rio Last night I had a crazy dream A wish was
SONG: Angel by Natasha Bedingfield I believe your loved ones are right beside you… LYRICS: A-N-G-E-LA-N-G-E-L Just like a shadowI’ll be beside youI’ll be your comfortAnd let it guide you homeI will provide you a place of shelterI wanna be your zoneTell me what to doTell me what you wanted me to doI’ll make you
An oldie but goodie for sure! I love to listen to Whitney Houston- what an incredible voice! This song hits home whenever I hear it. Did you know Dolly Parton wrote this?! “Bittersweet memories, that is all I’m taking with me.” Enjoy this one! Listen to the song Lyrics: I Will Always Love You by Whitney
I love this in the morning with granola or in the afternoon when I’m craving my 4:00 sugar rush snack! It’s so easy to make yourself- no need to buy one from a store. Blend: 3 cups of your favorite juice (mango, guava, apple, dragon fruit, etc) 2 cups of your favorite frozen fruits (mango,
“Yesterday” by Leona Lewis Such a good reminder that there are special things that nobody can ever take away ~ The memories you have with your loved one who has passed away! . I just can’t believe you’re gone Still waiting for morning to come Wanna see if the sun will rise even without you
My new widow friend just called me and said “He passed away! What do I do with his things?” Ouch. That hurts my heart because I remember going through this myself. I didn’t do anything with most of it until more than a year after his passing. His office, closet, and bathroom were the hardest
More often than not when I ask how someone is doing they say, “BUSY.” Hmm, interesting. Is that a good thing? Or is that the thing to say? Or is everyone stressed out? Answering this question like everyone else is, (oh the other half say they are fine), it is getting rather boring. Why not
Since I was four years old I had always wanted to adopt a baby with dark skin. Anytime I went out of the country- to Mexico and Asia- I would go crazy over these little kids. Oh my gosh, they’re so cute! I remember telling my grandpa that I was going to adopt a black
After my husband passed away I was hoping problems would just go away and all of a sudden become better. But without effort and seeking help and wanting a change, life is going to keep giving you what you put in. Some say this as “You Reap What You Sow” Or “Cause and effect” Or
Instead of “Kids say the darndest things!” I would like to change it to, Adults say the darndest things to a child after a death of a parent. I assume people are doing the best that they know how, so if we teach them to be aware of what to say and why things should
I’ve heard this a few times before, “She got lucky!” or “How do I get your gig?” Well, work your butt off is the answer. Nope! There is no “overnight sensation” in business. It takes a lot of work, failing, looking at things from a different perspective, passion and maybe a sprinkle of luck.People often
After 14 years of blending families, 88% of our kids still talk to us. That’s a B+ and I guess I can be pretty happy with that.What brought this to my attention is a friend who is new at blending a family. He now has a bunch of kids trying to figure out how to
My husband and I both had our spouses pass away before we met. While we were dating I asked him to tell me about the things people gave him or did for him when his wife passed away that were meaningful. I noticed that some of the things I really appreciated were completely different
This recipe goes wayyyy back in our family! Enjoy! Yogurt Pancakes 2 eggs 1/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 cup flour (I use 1/2 wheat flour) 1 1/2 tsp soda 1 tsp salt 1/4 cup oil 1 tsp vanilla 1 1/4 cup water 1 cup plain yogurt (I use vanilla yogurt and omit vanilla)
We all know if you like to go to work it makes getting up easier, working easier, and going to bed (so you don’t dread tomorrow) easier! Finding meaning in your work is the key to happiness. Most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work- an average of 48 hours a week!
How do I get through Valentine’s Day? You have to know this LOVE Day is a trigger for many people who have lost a spouse. The first few years it’s really hard to get through the day. And then who knows, but maybe the 6th year somehow is bad- you never can quite guess this
The More You Praise And Celebrate Your Life The More There Is In Life To Celebrate ~ Oprah
I know this is NOT fun to talk about, but so important. People are never prepared for this. I learned these things from talking with my mortician friend and from experience (things that were done or should have been done after my husband’s death. Luckily my mortician, my family or the media did most of
Isn’t it so true that sometimes we take things out on other people who don’t deserve them? Powerful! After going through tough times we are often hurt deep within. What is natural is that we protect ourselves and our hearts. We push back, get defensive, yell at someone, or what I do- retract from those
By their very nature, kids are active- they need to move, they need to interact, and focus on specific activities. Doing this requires a certain level of creativity throughout the duration of the lockdown. Play fun group games There are quite a number of board games that
Having your spouse die is an extremely emotional experience. I didn’t realize how many things it would make me re-think! It made me question my very identity. I had a complete loss of self. I wasn’t expecting this at all. Most things that I was a
I found a secret ingredient for cookies that I’m excited to tell you about. I added it to my mom’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe and it turned out fabulous! SOFT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE RECIPE: 1 cup butter or shortening 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup brown
Experiencing the death of a spouse can be an incredibly profound and intense emotional experience. The bond between spouses often runs deep, and the loss of a spouse can feel like a part of oneself has been taken away. So many people say that 1/2 of their heart is gone but please remember you are WHOLE.
After a close family member or loved one has passed away, some people feel the loved one may be sending them things or feelings to let them know they are still around. Is my loved one sending me signs from heaven? I believe they are. I
When I was looking for a new dad to be in my children’s lives I had a long list of things I wanted for me and my kids. I didn’t ever think I could find a man who could fit this criteria, but was fine waiting until
I don’t always understand why things happen, but I have found a reason to be brave. That reason is you, my friend. I have felt strongly in the past few years since my husband passed away to write my story. Why would anyone want to do this?! It has hurt all over again and I
Planning the funeral of my husband wasn’t fun- even though those are the first few letters in the word funeral. But I realized I could make it meaningful. When someone asks what they can do to help- let them help you with something special for the funeral. I have taken note of creative things to
I have a motto in my life and it is: THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS IN LIFE THAT YOU CAN’T CHANGE, BUT YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE. I have had to change my attitude many times and I have really learned I can do this. It takes practice- sometimes every day. What if
When choosing a gift for a young widow, it’s important to be thoughtful and considerate of their feelings as they go through a difficult time. Here are some gift ideas to consider: 1. Self-care items: Consider giving a gift basket filled with items such as scented candles, bath bombs, luxurious lotions, and soothing teas. These
The experience of being a widow offers a unique perspective on life and the world. While each individual’s experience is different, some common themes often emerge from the wisdom of widows: 1. **Resilience and Strength**: Widows often develop a deep sense of resilience and inner strength as they navigate the emotional and practical challenges of
I think I want a week full of miracles! In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the mundane and overlook the extraordinary moments that surround us. Yet, every so often, we are blessed with a week that seems to overflow with miracles, big and small. These
These are some of the Funeral Service Details you may be asked to plan. It helped me to have a time where there was a little peace and quiet to think through these things. So if you have anyone asking what you can do- have them
I know it’s so awkward when someone passes away and you don’t know what to say. When I became a widow, I told people I didn’t care if they said something dumb- I would rather have them talk to me than ignore me. I had to
Sexual intimacy after the death of a spouse can be a deeply personal and sensitive topic. Each person’s experience and feelings about intimacy and relationships after the loss of a spouse are unique and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the nature of the relationship with the deceased spouse, cultural and religious
When do I take off my wedding ring? This is the question I see the most. The answer may seem simple, but there are so many dimensions to this- just like a diamond. Everyone feels differently about who should wear a wedding ring, where they should
I HAVE CATEGORIZED LIFE INTO 10 KEY AREAS: Health & Fitness Personal Growth Spiritual Fun Friends Romance Family Give Finance Career It’s difficult to balance all of them (probably impossible!) What I have decided is if I am aware of the categories and where I want to put my time and effort, it makes it
Few things in life are as devastating as the loss of a spouse. Although the intensity of grief may lessen over time, it is not likely to disappear completely. You will learn to live with it and find ways to cope. It is not unusual to feel waves of grief at unexpected times, such as
I make this recipe for Halloween night at our home. We put it in bread bowls or small pumpkins that I have cleaned out. This is one of my fav’s– from my kitchen to yours- ENJOY! EASY Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe 6 cups water 2
Individuals who have experienced the loss of a spouse are acutely aware of the value of what they have. Widows embrace gratitude and refuse to take anything for granted. They are appreciative of the people and things in their lives and are less likely to overlook or underestimate their significance. Not taking anything for granted
Telling someone that their loved one has passed away is an incredibly difficult and sensitive task. Here are some steps and tips to consider when delivering such heartbreaking news: 1. Choose the right setting: Find a quiet, private place where the person can process the news without feeling pressured to react in a certain way.
It was interesting to hear what people said to my children after they lost their dad. I was glad they said something, but I realized people do not know what to say. Losing a parent is a confusing and emotional experience for a young child. It’s important to approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding.
I had one of those experiences the other day that makes you think “Where did that come from?” and, “I should have said ___ or ___!” I was at the store Pink getting my girls some gifts for their 12 days of Christmas. I was at the counter ready to check out with all of
I was listening to Tony Robbins and he says, “Where focus goes, energy flows”. It’s true if I really think about it. So how do I change my energy so it goes where I want it? Some days I get stuck in the mundane and have a “just get through today” attitude. SO how do
When a teenager has experienced the loss of a parent, it can be a difficult and emotional time for them. It’s thoughtful to consider gifts that can provide comfort, support, or a positive distraction during this challenging period. Here are some gift suggestions for a teenager who has lost a parent: 1. Memory book or
I have done this every year since 2017 and it’s awesome… After setting myself up for failure every year by having a LONG list of goals, I decided for 2017 that I would have one goal. Ok- make it even easier. NEW YEAR’S GOALS: Choose A WORD instead of a list of goals! It worked
Choosing a Christmas gift for a new widow can be difficult because of the emotions surrounding this holiday season. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas that can provide comfort and support during this difficult time: 1. Personalized jewelry: Consider a piece of jewelry such as a necklace or bracelet that can be personalized with her
Navigating sexual intimacy after the loss of a loved one can be a deeply personal and complex experience. Grief can have a significant impact on a person’s emotions and their ability to engage in physical and emotional intimacy. It’s important to recognize that there is no right or wrong way to approach this issue, as
When selecting a gift for a young child who has lost a parent, it’s important to consider something that can provide comfort, support, and possibly a positive distraction during a difficult time. Here are a few ideas for gifts: 1. Memory book or photo album: A memory book or photo album can help the child
“Beauty for ashes” is a phrase derived from the Bible. It’s a reminder that from the ashes of despair, beauty and healing can emerge. Isaiah 61:3 reads, “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit
Goodbye 2023! This has been a really interesting (ok I am going to say it- difficult) year for me. It’s been a year of inner work for sure. I have had a lot of highs and a lot of lows and I am figuring out how to learn from it all. I know some moments
The loss of a spouse is a deeply emotional and challenging experience, and it can unfortunately lead to significant changes in relationships. There are several potential reasons why some friends may have distanced themselves after your husband’s passing. While these reasons may not apply to all individuals, they can shed light on common factors that
Losing a loved one is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences anyone can face. The pain of grief can feel overwhelming, consuming, and unrelenting. It’s a journey through darkness, where the weight of loss can seem insurmountable. However, amidst the darkness, there can be unexpected gifts waiting to be discovered. Let’s explore the profound
Cremation is a common method of disposition for human remains, and it comes with its own set of pros and cons. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of cremation: Pros: 1. Flexibility: Cremation offers more flexibility in terms of memorial services and final disposition of the ashes. Families can choose to scatter
Deciding whether or not to continue wearing your wedding ring after the passing of your spouse is a deeply personal choice, and there’s no right or wrong answer. Some people choose to keep wearing their ring as a symbol of their enduring love and commitment, while others may choose to remove it as a part
As Mother’s Day approaches, it’s a time to celebrate and honor all the incredible women who have made a difference in our lives. While we often focus on our own mothers, I believe it’s equally important to recognize and appreciate the woman who played a significant role in shaping the person we love and cherish
I have learned to smudge so it will clear negative energy and I believe it works (and if I believe it, then it works for me!) This article is taken from Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. They described smudging so well… Sacred smoke created from
When attending a yoga class, selecting the right attire is essential for comfort, flexibility, and focus. BUT anything you wear will be fine! That’s one reason I love yoga so much- anyone can stretch and it doesn’t matter if you are in a chair, wearing Levis or if you are 80 years old! Start with
It’s great to hear that you’re looking to become a better version of yourself! Working towards personal growth and development is a wonderful journey. Here are a few general tips to help you on your path to self-improvement: 1. Set Clear Goals: Define what being a “better version” of yourself means to you, and set
Have you ever tried HOT YOGA? Hot yoga offers a unique blend of physical and mental benefits that make it an appealing choice for many. Here are some key reasons to consider: 1. Enhanced Flexibility: The heat helps warm your muscles, making it easier to stretch and achieve deeper poses. 2. Detoxification: Sweating in a
I HAVE BEEN ASKED, “What are some good gift ideas for a child who has lost a loved one?” I have a bunch of meaningful gifts for you to consider… . BOOK: THE MEMORY BOX . FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS BLANKET . BOOK: HEAVEN IS FOR REAL . REMEMBRANCE PLUSH STUFFED ANIMAL . REMEMBRANCE BRACELET
Losing friends after becoming a widow can happen for a variety of reasons, and it’s a common experience for many people who have lost a spouse. Here are a few potential reasons why this might be happening: 1. Change in Social Dynamics: When a person becomes a widow, the social dynamics within their friend group
Yoga and Buddhism, though distinct traditions, share profound connections that enrich personal growth and spiritual development. Both emphasize the importance of mindfulness, encouraging you to cultivate awareness of the present moment and observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. Yoga focuses on the union of body, mind, and spirit through physical postures (asanas) and breath
You hurt because you loved… but LOVE is a GOOD thing! ~Marcie Lyons
Chanting is one of the oldest practices in the world. In yoga, chanting refers to the vocal repetition of specific sounds, mantras, or phrases, often in a rhythmic manner, aimed at focusing the mind and enhancing spiritual practice. Singing, on the other hand, involves creating melodies and harmonies, typically with more varied lyrics and a
Have flowers ever bothered you after a funeral? After the loss of a loved one, it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a wide range of emotions, and these emotions can be triggered by seemingly ordinary things, such as flowers. While the reasons for feeling a certain way about flowers or any other reminders of
Yoga balance is about staying steady in different poses, which helps build strength and focus. It improves body awareness and coordination, allowing you to connect your mind and body. Balancing poses like Tree Pose or Warrior III not only strengthen your core but also help you feel calm and brings a sense of inner peace.
Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging experience, and during such times, the support of friends becomes invaluable. If you have a friend who is grieving a significant loss, it’s important to navigate the dynamics of friendship with sensitivity and understanding. In this article, we’ll explore how to support a grieving friend, navigate the
A common question is asked in my widow groups, “Is it possible to love again?” It’s a good question because most people put all the love they have into their spouse,then when that person is gone, the love feels lost.This can happen with a divorce, too. It seems the heart may be broken forever. Well
Yin yoga is a unique and introspective style of yoga that emphasizes long-held, passive poses, typically maintained for three to five minutes or even longer. By holding poses for extended periods, practitioners target the deeper connective tissues, including ligaments, tendons, and fascia, rather than just the muscles. This approach promotes greater flexibility, joint health, and
Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep,” is a profound guided meditation technique that induces deep relaxation while maintaining conscious awareness. Originating from ancient Indian traditions, this practice offers a unique way to experience rest and rejuvenation. Unlike conventional sleep, where the mind becomes inactive, Yoga Nidra allows practitioners to remain aware and engaged, creating a bridge
Practicing yoga at home is an amazing experience that combines convenience with personal growth. I love it so much! One of the primary advantages is the flexibility it offers. You can schedule your sessions around your daily commitments, maybe it’s early in the morning or late at night. This adaptability encourages consistency, which is crucial
Crystals have captivated human interest for centuries, both for their beauty and healing properties. Basic crystals, often referred to as foundational or common crystals, include quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, and citrine. Each of these crystals carries unique meanings and uses in spiritual and healing practices. 1. Clear Quartz: Known as the “master healer,” clear quartz
He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW ~ Viktor Frankl He changed my life after my husband died. Please consider reading his book – Man’s Search For Meaning. If he can live through wheat he did AND with a
Yoga can be practiced almost anywhere, but many people prefer group classes in studios or gyms. Having an instructor guide you can enhance your learning and safety, especially for beginners. If you’re considering your first yoga class, it’s wise to research local studios and look for beginner-friendly options, which typically offer slower and gentler sessions.
Grief is the normal process of dealing with a significant loss, such as losing your spouse. It can last for weeks, months or longer and is an individual experience that may vary from person to person. I think grief looks like I’m all over the place instead of on a straight line. The following are
It’s common for people to ask, “How are you?” But when you are a new widow, sometimes it is hard to know what to say back. Are they really wondering- an actual interest, or is it just what people say as a greeting? Answering the question,
Ayurveda is an ancient healing system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. The word “Ayurveda” means “the science of life” in Sanskrit, highlighting its holistic approach to health and wellness. KEY PRINCIPLES: 1. Holistic Health: Ayurveda sees health as a balance between
The decision of when to start dating again after the loss of a spouse is deeply personal and can vary widely from person to person. There is no specific timeline or “correct” amount of time that a widow should wait before dating again. Some people may feel ready to date relatively soon after their loss,
Sometimes I find tips that I wish I had known years ago! They are like magic because they save so much time and money! Here are 3 of my favs: 1. Put your brown sugar in the freezer. It doesn’t take long to thaw when needed for recipes, but it doesn’t get hard like it
Losing a parent can be an incredibly difficult and emotional experience for children. They may be experiencing a wide range of emotions, including sadness, confusion, fear, and anger. It’s important to remember that everyone grieves differently, and children may not have the same coping mechanisms as adults. Here are a few reasons why your kids
Friends & Family: What I didn’t know until it happened to me. Friends and family might be eager to help and not realize that personal possessions are extremely meaningful at this time. How You Can Help In Their Home: Do NOT let anyone touch ANY personal
We had a fantastic time in Palm Springs, California! The drive from St. George, Utah, took us through desert landscapes. I liked the Joshua Tree National Park, where the trees resemble unique cacti. Since it was the end of August for Labor Day, temperatures soared to around 110 degrees each day. We stayed at
In 2000, I had my fifth child, and the pressure to keep my home clean, care for my kids, and run my business took a significant toll on my well-being. I didn’t realize how much until I started to feel sick. Rarely sick, I caught the flu when my kids did, and it hit me
Yoga and nutrition are two powerful pillars of holistic health that complement each other beautifully. Practicing yoga not only enhances physical flexibility and mental clarity but also encourages mindfulness—an essential aspect of making conscious nutritional choices. Yoga, with its origins in ancient India, promotes a balanced lifestyle through physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and
Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote overall well-being. For beginners, mastering a few basic poses can lay a strong foundation for a lifelong journey in yoga. Here are some essential poses to get started. • Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Mountain Pose is fundamental for establishing body awareness
In the absence of play, individuals, especially children, may experience various negative effects on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Play is a crucial activity that contributes to the overall development of individuals, and its absence can lead to several consequences: 1. **Limited social and emotional development**: Play provides a platform for children to interact
Following the loss of a loved one, there are many important tasks to manage. Here’s a checklist of urgent actions to take: •IMMEDIATE STEPS AFTER YOUR LOVED ONE PASSES AWAY• 1. Contact the local city or town office for opening and closing the grave. 2. Write and publish an obituary notice. 3. Gather information for
Telling a child that a loved one has passed away is an incredibly difficult and delicate task. It’s natural for parents and caregivers to want to shield children from pain, but it’s important to approach the situation with honesty, empathy, and reassurance. Here are some guidelines for discussing the loss of a loved one with