Do you feel there is so much drama out there with everyone and everything? Stress is high and so much negativity in the world.
Please let me unsubscribe from the drama!
I have figured out how I can.
- I start with meditation which helps me to not think about the past or the future. It’s all about RIGHT NOW.
- If something happens that stresses me out I notice it and am aware. I have learned by watching myself what I do that works to get me out of a stressful situation. Like deep breathing. Sounds silly but it works for me. If my breath is calm, my body calms.
- I can only change what I can control. Just knowing this helps me a lot- I won’t complain about things I either can’t change or am not willing to put an effort into changing (politics for me.)
- I can take out all the toxic relationships in my life. Pray for them and let them go.
- I can delete anything on social media that doesn’t lift me. If it makes me feel less than- DELETE. If it makes me feel sad, angry, sick- DELETE.
- I don’t watch the news. It makes me depressed or worried so I don’t add it in my day.
- Go into positive mode. I can look for ways to make other people’s day. Really easy things like being considerate on the road- let people in front of me that are trying to get on the road. Waving when people let me in, etc.
- I can lift people at work- tell people what they are doing that’s helpful and positive.
- Give compliments freely- to strangers and to my family.
- Learning to worry more about what my gut says than what others say.
Click UNSUBSCRIBE on anything in your life that is not doing your body and soul good.