Gosh if only I would have known this before… isn’t that something we all think? Life is all about experience and learning. Sometimes we have to learn it for ourselves, but wouldn’t it be great to learn some important stuff from someone else?
I was thinking if I could tell my younger self some advice, what would it be? Wow, I would tell myself a bunch of stuff. Like…
— Don’t be in such a rush to grow up. (I thought growing up meant freedom and I can do whatever I want- well I can, but I also pay for it 🙂
— Keep your notes from your high school English class.
— You don’t have to be perfect. Have fun and learn as you go. Oh, and if you mess up, forgive others and yourself.
— Don’t tell your kids to hurry all the time. (Jeremy thought his name was HURRY.)
— It’s a good thing we don’t know what will happen in our lives. There is a plot twist every once in a while that really makes life exciting!
— Stand up for you. It is empowering.
— Set boundaries with relationships. Some people will take all you can give and more if you let them.
— You are not alone. No matter what you are feeling, someone else knows what that feels like.
— Get a psychology degree. If I could figure out why people think the way they do, why they do the things they do- that would sure be helpful in every aspect of life.
–What you think about happens. Karma-the funny saying What goes around, comes around, is real. It is a universal law. So think positive thoughts and positive things will happen.
— Listen to your gut. Find time to be still and listen- because no matter what, your intuition is your best guide.
— Last, but should be first, be grateful.
I asked some of my friends this same question…
What advice would you give to your teenage self?
The first 40 years of childhood are the best.
Make more memories.
Take more vacations.
Live in the present.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Be free.
Be authentic.
Say sorry to those I hurt or disappointed in my 20’s and 30’s.
Keep close to your kids.
Spend as much time with your kids because they are gone in a blink of an eye.
This is your prime. Find balance and be the best you can be by loving and giving of yourself to others.
Live the dream.
NEVER give up.
Simplify your life. The important things aren’t things.
Now your turn… what would you say to your younger self?