TURN THE BLENDER ON PULSE (What my heart has learned):
~ We all are given so much emotional energy each day. If we use it up before 7 am dealing with crying and ‘she took my shirt’, then the rest of the day is going to be tough. We have all learned through death that we have to let little things go. Pick your battles. People matter, not things. Except for a 6-year-old who knows those are her markers and nobody else can touch them.
~ There are always new ways to look at a situation. One side is not always “better” than another. Sometimes it is nice to try something new and sometimes I even come away from it saying, I like this way more. I try to see others’ perspectives.
~ Life is always changing. We have to be really good at adapting to new situations and can’t be stuck in our ways. Change, adapt, change, adapt.
~ I’m really grateful to have this chance to blend families. I had no idea what truly goes on! I can see that people and families are very diverse. I’m glad I opened my heart to love more people. Hearts are funny that way- you can always fit in one more to love. I am absolutely crazy about my husband. I love him more each day. We have been through a lot of struggles over the past 5 years together and have stuck with it through thick and thin. I love that I get to live a life that sometimes feels completely opposite to my “previous” life. It’s like I’ve lived a couple of different lives. Just some of the same people keep showing up and want to be fed.
For those of you who are blending families like we are, I wish you peace in your journey. I’m still in the thick of it, but my advice so far would be: Take care of yourself. Try new things. Be open to thinking in a way you have never thought before. Try writing letters to each other to express your feelings- I have learned through psychology that some people can vocalize them, and some people are better at writing them. Talk openly to your kids. Spend time with your spouse- your marriage will be there when your kids are gone. Study and read books that can help you. I have a list of a bunch that has helped me. Go to counseling or get help when you need it. Pray boldly. And mostly, laugh A LOT!