When You Know Better You Do Better. Maya Angelou.
This is my favorite ah-ha for the year so far. Maybe for life! I realize I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some things I knew I shouldn’t be doing just because. But what is JUST BECAUSE? That doesn’t really work for me. So I have to find out why. It’s usually the consequences that show me, “Oh, that’s why!” Most of the time it hurts me or someone I love- that’s my just because. Sometimes we really don’t know until we have been there and I am grateful for the massive amounts of things I have been through, so now I know.
I was sad to hear that Maya Angelou died at age 86. She was quite a woman! She was an African-American author who received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Who does that?! Maya. She was active in the civil rights movement and is respected as a spokesperson for black people and women. She is fun to listen to- I have heard her on Oprah. That’s where I heard her tell her story and she said, “When you know better, you do better.” Now I quote her almost daily and say, “So now I know.” I hope not to repeat mistakes and remember her simple words.
I also have a goal to explain things to my kids with better answers than “just because.” That’s the easy way out or the way I show my kids, “I don’t want to take 3 minutes to teach you something.” When you know better you do better. ~ Maya Angelou

When you know better, you do better. Maya Angelou