For quite a few years I dreaded my birthday. I wished people would just forget– especially myself! I didn’t like getting older or the attention. Now, once again, my perspective has completely changed. Why I like birthdays now…

Oprah says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

praise and celebrate your life, oprah quote

I turned 48this week and my brother said, “Happy 27th birthday!” I used to think, “If only that were true!I didn’t have an inch of fat on me and I could remember things without writing them down.” But, If I were to go back to 27 years old, I wouldn’t have wisdom and I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Why would I want to do that?!

With age comes knowledge and experience. When I was 27 I was worried more about perfect stuff- like if my living room looked good. I concentrated fully ongetting things done. Fast forward 20 years and I still work, have a lot more kids and it feels like more is on my plate, but now I love people, time and traveling. Things don’t matter. I have learned how to breathe and get through uncomfortable situations. I practice forgiveness. I am learning how to play, how to stop and smell the roses. (Really, people do this?! Completely opposite of when I was 27! Thank you Matt) I have experienced losing a spouse, but learned I cannot only survive, but thrive.I have gone on a humanitarian mission and know that the world needs us to be more giving. I have experienced marriage for a second time and love inserting the GOOD and letting go of the bad. I can open my circle of friends and family. I also have learned loyalty. I can ask for help. I have gained an appreciation for diversity and people who think differently than I do. I am empathetic and love more freely. I have power and wisdom within. I try not to compare myself to a 27 year old. I learn every day that I have a lot more to learn. Finally my desire to be happy is higher than worrying about what others think.There is so much more to celebrate, but just from this short list you can see why I would never go back to 27.

Each year I am grateful to have lived one more year.It is a chance for a new beginning.I know a lot of people that would have loved to make it to this age and didn’t. So I can happily say, “Yes, I am 47!” To my surprise, every year gets better and better! I’ll take the wrinkles and the slower reflexes- they remind me that life is more outstanding with every passing year!

“You don’t get older, you get better!” Shirley Bassey

My husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I couldn’t think of one thing I want or need except an experience. Or good food- I don’t have to find a place for that in my house! I chose my favorite sushi restaurant for lunch with Matt and that night our family went to a Real Soccer game. It wasn’t what we had expected- (imagine that?!) but what an experience! Lightning strikes during the National Anthem, pouring rain and a night none of us will forget! This is what memories are made of- life with a cherry on top!

Real game, lightning

Cheers to a new year full of happiness!

fever tree ginger ale

Thanks Natalie for the yummy ginger ale! It says on the bottle “to enhance the enjoyment of great spirits.” I will take more of that.

do not regret getting older. it is a privilege denied to many

Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.