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You Can Have Major Health Problems From Chronic Stress Our bodies are hard-wired to react to stress to protect us from potential threats. While we are no longer being threatened by predators or other aggressors, we are still facing multiple demands each day that our body reacts to in the same way.I didn’t even realize […]

April 10, 2020



  Being quarantined unquestionably affects your day to day routine. Learning to adjust is something you need to do to get through the pandemic. One of the major concerns you may have during a pandemic is the fact that you are no longer able to go to the gym due to prevailing lockdown for your […]

March 22, 2020



  10 TIPS FOR THE ELDERLY DURING A PANDEMIC Older people face a higher risk of getting infected during a pandemic because they may have weaker immune systems, making them more susceptible to illnesses. Elderlies with chronic illnesses are exposed to a higher risk. It is crucial to be aware of the best ways of […]

March 21, 2020



What Emergency Supplies Do You Need In Your Disaster Kit? Let me ask you something? Do you have a disaster kit? If not, it's something you should work on right away. You never know when you'll find yourself in a situation where you have to manage without power, internet, or the ability to head out […]

September 11, 2019



Survival Food Storage Will Come In Handy During A Disaster When you are sheltering in place, are planning on staying in a shelter, or even dealing with the possibility of being stuck out on the road, having food and water is your top priority in any disaster situation. You can make it without power, and […]

September 11, 2019



Do You Know What Disasters You Should Be Prepared For? It doesn't matter where you live, chances are that sooner or later you'll face some sort of a disaster that will leave you without power, water, or access to buy more. It could be a natural disaster like a hurricane, snowstorm, flood, tornado, or earthquake. […]

September 11, 2019



Emergency Supplies Checklist For most emergencies expect to keep at least enough food to feed each person in your household for 3-5 days. NON-PERISHABLE FOODS & BEVERAGES Canned soups with pull tab Canned meat with pull tab Tuna fish sealed pouch or pull tab peanut butter granola bars nuts dried fruit beef jerky trail mix […]

September 11, 2019



Make An Emergency Preparedness Plan For Your Family Let's face it. Sooner or later your family will encounter a natural disaster or similar emergency event that requires you to jump into action to stay safe and sound. Doing so will become much easier when you go in prepared and with a plan. Here are three […]

September 11, 2019



Matt was teaching me how to ride the moped the other day and I was realizing I need to have better balance. Much better balance! Rachelle and Melissa had better balance at age 5 as you can see above! I need to get better balance not only physically, but in every other way- emotionally, mentally, […]

February 8, 2016



  How in the world would exercise make you happier? There is a science to it (which I love!) My top 10 reasons to work out… 1.Working out, even if it is a walk around the block, releases the chemicaldopamineinto your brain. Dopamine is a chemical called a neurotransmitter that affects your emotions, motivation, how […]

March 28, 2015



In 2004 I knew I had to get more yoga and exercise in my life. I have AS (arthritis) and really needed this as part of my life. I decided to jointhe gym. My goal wasn’tto lose weight, or gain muscle, but so I could walk each day and not be in pain. Sounds like […]