Grief is the normal process of dealing with a significant loss, such as losing your spouse. It can last for weeks, months or longer and is an individual experience that may vary from person to person. I think grief looks like I’m all over the place instead of on a straight line. The following are […]
Have flowers ever bothered you after a funeral? After the loss of a loved one, it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a wide range of emotions, and these emotions can be triggered by seemingly ordinary things, such as flowers. While the reasons for feeling a certain way about flowers or any other reminders of […]
Losing friends after becoming a widow can happen for a variety of reasons, and it’s a common experience for many people who have lost a spouse. Here are a few potential reasons why this might be happening: 1. Change in Social Dynamics: When a person becomes a widow, the social dynamics within their friend group […]
When do I take off my wedding ring? This is the question I see the most. The answer may seem simple, but there are so many dimensions to this- just like a diamond. Everyone feels differently about who should wear a wedding ring, where they should wear it and for how long. Just like grieving […]
Experiencing the death of a spouse can be an incredibly profound and intense emotional experience. The bond between spouses often runs deep, and the loss of a spouse can feel like a part of oneself has been taken away. So many people say that 1/2 of their heart is gone but please remember you are WHOLE. […]
My new widow friend just called me and said “He passed away! What do I do with his things?” Ouch. That hurts my heart because I remember going through this myself. I didn’t do anything with most of it until more than a year after his passing. His office, closet, and bathroom were the hardest […]
Why Didn’t God Take Me Instead? This is a very common question to ask. We ask this question and many more because our brain is trying to process what happened. Our brain’s main function is to protect us, so it’s doing its job trying to figure out how you could have fixed this or […]
This a question I hear all the time… When is the best time to change my social media status from married to widow? This is a big one even though that may sound crazy. It’s kind of like telling people some deep stuff that’s in your heart or where you are at in the grieving […]
Now that the funeral is over you will start getting a ton of mail. It was overwhelming to me! My mom came to my house a couple of times a week to help me sort it out, call who I needed to, turn in important papers, deal with life insurance, apply for Social Security, etc. […]
I have learned that being grateful may be the best thing to help me through ups and downs. Yes, some days that is hard to do. But if I just look around there is so much to be grateful for- my very breath, love, I feel for those around me, this beautiful earth, and pure […]
Oh no! The 3-month mark?! 100 days after Jay had passed was the hardest time I have had in the 10 years since his loss. At this point, the numb feeling wore off and I began to realize he wasn’t coming back and I really was a widow. For people who have never lost anyone […]
Emotions are such a big part of life. I picture each of us receiving 10 scoops of emotional energy per day. How we use these scoops depends on what our emotional and physical needs are and also what choices we make on how to use what we have. When I wake up feeling awesome I […]
I think people are trying to be nice. Everyone says, “You are so strong.” No. Not really. They don’t see the minute-by-minute stuff that’s really going on here. So what do they mean by STRONG? I’m pretty sure it’s not my 95-pound body. I wonder if they would say I’m strong if they saw how […]